This contains two vagrant sandbox environment.
- standalone environment
- cluster environment (not yet.)
- mesos ships useful mesos-ec2 scripts. you can try it.
- VirtualBox:
- vagrant 1.2+:
- vagrant plugins
- vagrant-omnibus
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus
- vagrant-berkshelf
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf
- vagrant-hosts
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-hosts
- vagrant-cachier(optional)
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier
- vagrant-omnibus
It's so simple! It's time to get a cup of coffee because this may take some time.
$ cd standalone
$ vagrant up
log in to the VM and you just need to hit below commands.
start a mesos master:
$ vagrant ssh vagrant@mesos$ sudo mesos-master
start a mesos slave:
$ vagrat ssh vagrant@mesos$ sudo mesos-slave --master=mesos:5050
If everything went well, you can see mesos web UI on: http://localhost:5050
if you want to try mesos with zookeeper, which is responsible for managing master processes, you can try belows.
start zookeeper:
$ vagrant ssh vagrant@mesos$ cd mesos/build/3rdparty/zookeeper-3.3.4/ vagrant@mesos$ cp conf/zoo_sample.cfg conf/zoo.cfg vagrant@mesos$ sudo bin/ start
start mesos master with zookeeper:
$ vagrant ssh vagrant@mesos$ sudo mesos-master --zk=zk://mesos:2181/mesos
start mesos slave with master managed with zookeeper:
$ vagrant ssh vagrant@mesos$ sudo mesos-slave --master=zk://mesos:2181/mesos
please try below by following the getting started document.
$ vagrant ssh
vagrant@mesos$ cd mesos/build
vagrant@mesos$ src/test-framework --master=mesos:5050 # or --master=zk://mesos:2181/mesos
vagrant@mesos$ src/example/java/test-framework mesos:5050 # or zk://mesos:2181/mesos
vagrant@mesos$ src/example/python/test-framework mesos:5050 # or zk://mesos:2181/mesos