1. Task description 'CartPole-v0' in openai gym: using left or right action to control the tiny car to keep the balance of the bar standing on it. See figure-0.
2. Method Optimize a W that make a policy like this $$ W \times observation = a $$ we use \hat{W} = W + random_bias to generate new weight and replace W with \hat{W} when \hat{W} performs better.
script: src/random_search_epoch.py use random bias to generate new weight, then we got figure-1
Obviously, the average is above 100. But we can see the reward slip down quickly
To fix the slip down problem, I add control such as epoch_reward > 150
, expecting to prevent small reward.
if epoch_reward < 150 and epoch_reward > all_reward[-1]:
then we got
It is clearly that the average reward gets higher but the slip down problem is there still.
From above simple experiments we can see that in simple problem, random search works. You can see more result in Appendix. Your will find the result can be perfect ( figure-3 ) sometimes. In another word, cart-pole task is an task for test so do not take this task serious.
Other result