This repository is for SAR binary wet snow threshold localization google slides with some ideas and background:
for SAR binary wet snow detection, there are a ton of methods for thresholding (e.g. for SAR: -1dB to -2dB to -3dB, VV, VH, VV/VH combinations weighted on LIA, vegetation, different reference images, etc), but very little spatially distributed wetness data to validate against :(
- for a ratio image with wet snow (choose a scene where most/all of snow is wet), compare histograms of dB change values
- compare dB drop within snow / no snow classes using optical imagery (figure on the right from Nagler et al. 2016)
- hopefully find bimodal distribution in dB drop (snow / no snow) which would allow us to optimize a wet snow threshold
- iterate at locations with different landcover/veg, different snow classification types, snow depths, variable topography (to get at incidence angle dependence)
- build up a huge datacube containing [VVdB drop,VHdB drop, snow/nosnow, LIA, LCC/veg, snowclass, where in the melt season are we, fSCA, othervars?] for each pixel at all locations
- find trends, optimize, or use ML/DL approach
- will help us characterize how binary wet snow threshold changes with these variables allowing localization of this threshold
- end goal would be some sort of heuristic: given a pixel with x vegetation/LC type, y snow class, z incidence angle, we expect at least a backscatter change of -XdB in VV and -YdB in VH from the reference image to the wet snow image
- if it works, could be the foundation of a “smart” binary wet snow algorithm, where the binary wet snow threshold is variable across a scene as a function of [landcover class, snow class, local incidence angle, etc]
- notebook to build dataset
- data sources
- for Sentinel-1 RTC data:
- LIA:
- LC:
- FCF: ?
- Snow classification:
- Snow cover (snow / no snow): (or 8 day)
- loop over a bunch of areas, multiple years, save a bunch of these as zarr files?
- scene selection criteria
- global? what are the extents of our individual datasets
- scene selection criteria
- questions to consider
- reference scene
- time span?
- mean or median?
- multi-year?
- how to find when most snow is melting
- morning / afternoon overpass?
- temperature data?
- remote sensing thermal?
- in-situ weather station?
- reanalysis?
- reference scene
- data sources
- [] notebook to ingest saved zarr files, stitch all together. possibly ouput as singular large dataframe with each row being a single pixel
- [] notebook to analyze full datas
- aggregate statistics
- histograms analyzing each variable
- for example, LIA on x axis, dB change on right axis, then two box plots for each LIA, one for snow and one for no snow, maybe each of those broken into VV and VH
- test VV and VH for higher wet snow seperability
- given snow / no snow distributions, which threshold provides the most seperability between distributions
- create confusion matrix based on optimal threholds
- analysis of variance
- multiple linear regression
- unsupervised machine learning
- kmeans clustering
- deep learning approach
critiques: ratio values can be influenced by (that we don't analyze) time of year snow depth!! stratigraphy roughness grain size temperature