This project was generated using Angular CLI version 19.1.5.
This demo application was initially developed for code assessment purposes. However, I hope it can also serve as a useful resource for new programmers learning how to use SQL Server, .NET Core for database connectivity, and Entity Framework with AngularJS.
Technologies Used:
Database: MSSQL 2022 Developer Edition
Frontend: Angular v19 (developed using Visual Studio Code)
Backend: C# .NET Core 8.0
Development Tools: Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition
Web Server: Nginx Reverse Proxy
Other: HTML, JavaScript, Certbot SSL
Users can search for books on the Book page, with results returning 100,000 records in less than one second thanks to the caching technology implemented. Borrowed books are displayed on the Borrowed page.
Verion 1.1. Improve my REST API by handling empty search parameters effectively. Ensure that if a search keyword is missing or empty, the API returns appropriate results instead of errors. (Feb 4, 2025)
Click here to visit the live website.
Click here to download database backup.