Simpol is a Golang interpreter for the sample language called Simpol.
This online interpreter allows users to test Simpol language online. It uses Google Appengine, Golang, and hand-written scanning and parsing logic. Please note that this is not the ideal solution for interpreters which usually use tools such as EBNF, Lex, Yacc, etc in order to create a robust interpreter software. But using these tools are complex to implement in a university project.
- Main Site
- A Sample Shared Code
Requires Go.
$ git clone
$ //Create an Appengine project ID
$ //Update the app.yaml to indicate your project id
$ ./
$ //Update the debug message markers
$ ./
$ //Update appengine project
$ ./
$ //Update github
$ ./
variable {
STG str
STG name
INT num1
INT num2
INT num3
BLN bol1
BLN bol2
code {
PUT $The result is: $ IN str
ASK name
PUT true IN bol1
PUT false IN bol2
PUT ADD 1 2 IN num1
PUT 100 IN num2
PRT $Your name is $
PRT name
PRT OHR true AND bol1 bol2
PUT MUL 10 ADD num1 num2 IN num3
PRT num3
PRT DIV MUL 10 ADD num1 num2 MUL 10 ADD num1 num2
PRT $Goodbye!$
Note that as of this initial version, the interpreter cannot handle nested conditions yet. The given code above was converted first to a un-nested format.
/* Un-nested SIMPOL Program */
/* Variables Section */
variable {
STG str
STG name
INT num1
INT num2
INT num3
INT num4
INT num5
INT num6
INT mul1
INT mul2
INT div1
BLN bol1
BLN bol2
BLN bol3
BLN ohr1
/* Codes Section */
code {
PUT $The result is: $ IN str
ASK name
PUT true IN bol1
PUT false IN bol2
ADD 1 2 IN num1
PUT 100 IN num2
PRT $Your name is $
PRT name
/*PRT OHR true AND bol1 bol2*/
AND bol1 bol2 IN bol3
OHR true bol3 IN ohr1
PRT ohr1
/*PUT MUL 10 ADD num1 num2 IN num3*/
/*PUT MUL 10 (ADD num1 num2) IN num3*/
/* num4 */
ADD num1 num2 IN num4
MUL 10 num4 IN num3
PRT num3
/*PRT DIV MUL 10 ADD num1 num2 MUL 10 ADD num1 num2*/
/*PRT DIV (MUL 10 (ADD num1 num2)) (MUL 10 (ADD num1 num2))*/
/* num6 num5 */
/* mul1 mul2 */
ADD num1 num2 IN num5
ADD num1 num2 IN num6
MUL 10 num5 IN mul2
MUL 10 num6 IN mul1
DIV mul1 mul2 IN div1
PRT div1
PRT $Goodbye!$
// Simpol Interpreter v1 //
// Author: Edwin D. Vinas //
// URL: //
// Git: //
// Debug: OFF //
*********************** START RESULTS *********************
Your name is
Edwin D. Vinas
*********************** END OF RESULTS ********************
To try this online, see See the explore section to see sample codes and execute them
To see the Simpol Language Specifications, please see