This role install azcopy binary from microsoft repository.
AzCopy is a command-line utility created and maintained by Microsoft that you can use to copy blobs or files to or from a storage account.
- This role supports: CentOS 7, AlmaLinux 8/9, RockyLinux 8/9, Ubuntu, Debian, or Red Hat Enterprise Linux distribution.
- Ansible 2.9 or higher.
All "standards" variables are defined on defaults/main.yml. If you want to replace or change some variable, please change on playbook level.
| variable | description | default |
| azcopy_pkg_deps | package dependencies | unzip |
| azcopy_username | azcopy username | root |
| azcopy_group | azcopy group name | root |
| azcopy_bin_path | installation path | /usr/local/bin |
| azcopy_pkg_url | azcopy source url | |
| azcopy_sha256 | sha256 sum | |
ansible-galaxy role install eduardolmedeiros.azcopy
- hosts: all
- eduardolmedeiros.azcopy