This package helps you to test your GraphQL queries & mutations in your TestCases. It works with any laravel GraphQL server.
- Laravel 11.0, 12.0
- PHP 8.2+
For Laravel 8, 9, 10 and PHP 8.0+ see 1.x branch.
Require the package via Composer:
composer require newman/laravel-graphql-test-utils
To start using it, import our trait in your TestCase
namespace Tests;
use \Newman\LaravelGraphQLTestUtils\Traits\WithGraphQL;
class SomeTest extends TestCase {
use WithGraphQL;
public function test_it_returns_cars(): void
$response = $this
->setQuery('query ($search: String!) {
cars(search: $search) {
'search' => 'BMW',
'cars' => [
['brand' => 'BMW'],
], $response->json('data'));
Now you can explore our available builder methods.
By default, we don't assert anything for you after response is retrieved, but we expose function to register your handler to customize this behaviour.
namespace Tests;
use Newman\LaravelGraphQLTestUtils\GraphQLTesting;
use Newman\LaravelGraphQLTestUtils\TestResponse;
class TestCase extends \Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\TestCase
protected function setUp(): void
GraphQlTesting::defaultAssertions(function (TestResponse $response): void {
Set your GraphQL query.
->setQuery('query {
cars {
Set multiple GraphQL variables as key-value pair.
->setVariables(['name' => 'John', 'email' => '[email protected]'])
// Variables will result as: ['name' => 'John', 'email' => '[email protected]']
Note: Calling setVariables
, will replace all previously set variables. You may want to use mergeVariables
in that case instead.
Set variables one-by-one.
->setVariable('name', 'Oliver')
->setVariable('surname', 'Smith')
// Variables will result as: ['name' => 'Oliver', 'surname' => 'Smith']
You can also mix it with setVariables
and mergeVariables
->setVariables(['name' => 'James', 'email' => '[email protected]'])
->setVariable('name', 'Oliver')
->setVariable('surname', 'Smith')
->mergeVariables(['surname' => 'Williams', 'birthday' => '1990-01-01'])
// Variables will result as: ['name' => 'Oliver', 'email' => '[email protected]', 'surname' => 'Williams', 'birthday' => '1990-01-01']
Note: Calling setVariable
with the same key will override previous value.
Instead of resetting all variables like setVariables
does, this method merges previously set variables with a pair of new variables.
->setVariables(['name' => 'John', 'email' => '[email protected]'])
->mergeVariables(['name' => 'James'])
// Variables will result as: ['name' => 'James', 'email' => '[email protected]']
Specifies which GraphQL schema (name) to use.
Note: Depending on the driver used, it may automatically resolve HTTP method to use based on schema. More.
Forces specific HTTP method to use. By default, it will resolve from schema (if driver provides that), otherwise POST
will be used.
Optionally you can switch this query to other driver than default. Probably you won't need this.
Adds an Bearer Authorization token to request.
Remove the authorization token from the request.
Add single header to request.
->withHeader('Authorization', 'Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==')
Add multiple headers to request.
'X-User-Language' => 'en',
'X-Client' => 'GraphQL-Test',
Since in base we use Laravel`s MakesHttpRequests
Trait, you can access those functions as well.
use \Newman\LaravelGraphQLTestUtils\GraphQLRequest;
->modifyRequest(function (GraphQLRequest $request) {
// all MakesHttpRequest public methods can be called.
You may want to disable or re-enable default assertions individually.
Disable default assertions for this query:
function getBaseBuilder() {
return $this->graphql()->withoutDefaultAssertions();
// I want them to be enabled here.
Makes the call to GraphQL and returns our TestResponse
class. Function has 2 arguments
->call('query ($search: String!) { cars (search: $search) { brand } }', ['search' => 'BMW']);
Note: Variables passed to this function will merge with existing ones.
We extend default Laravel`s Illuminate\Testing\TestResponse
with a few GraphQL related functions/assertions.
Asserts no GraphQL errors were returned.
Asserts there is an Unauthorized error in corresponding GraphQL error format.
Access used query in the request.
Access used variables in the request.
Returns array
of GraphQL errors or null
when not present.
Determines if there are any GraphQL errors.
Get list of Laravel validation messages or empty array when none.
'name' => ['This field is required.', 'It must be a string'],
// ...
Get Laravel validation messages on specific field or empty array when none or field is not present.
$messages = $response->getValidationFieldMessages('name'); // ['This field is required.', 'It must be a string']
Get first Laravel validation message on specific field or null when none or field is not present.
$message = $response->getValidationFieldFirstMessage('name'); // 'This field is required.'
ℹ️ Remember you can access all Illuminate\Testing\TestResponse
functions as well.
❓ Missing frequent response helper? Open up a new issue.
This example shows you how to create your custom TestResponse class with your custom functions.
namespace App\Support;
use Newman\LaravelGraphQLTestUtils\TestResponse;
class CustomTestResponse extends TestResponse
public function assertDataAlwaysContainsAge(): static
if (!$this->json('data.age')) {
Assert::fail('Failed to assert that response contains age key.');
Then in your ServiceProvider (e.g. AppServiceProvider
) or TestCase:
namespace App\Providers;
use App\Support\CustomTestResponse;
use Newman\LaravelGraphQLTestUtils\GraphQLTesting;
class AppServiceProvider extends \Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider
public function boot()
This example shows you how to create your custom GraphQLBuilder class with your custom functions.
namespace App\Support;
use App\Models\User;
use Newman\LaravelGraphQLTestUtils\GraphQLBuilder;
class CustomGraphQLBuilder extends GraphQLBuilder
public function withUser(User $user): static
return $this;
Then in your ServiceProvider (e.g. AppServiceProvider
namespace App\Providers;
use App\Support\CustomGraphQLBuilder;
use Newman\LaravelGraphQLTestUtils\Contracts\GraphQLBuilderContract;
class AppServiceProvider extends \Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider
public function register()
$this->app->bind(GraphQLBuilderContract::class, CustomGraphQLBuilder::class);
Drivers help you to construct request by pulling information from GraphQL server config, so you can discard some builder calls. You can write your custom driver if none of ours fits your needs.
It reads URL prefix from config graphql.route.prefix
and takes first HTTP method from config by schema name.
This is the default driver.
It uses /graphql
URL prefix and POST
HTTP Method.
To use, call GraphQLTesting::useNullDriver()
in your AppServiceProvider.php
Example on how to implement custom driver with name myCustom
namespace App\Support\GraphQLTestingDrivers;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Config\Repository as ConfigContract;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Container\Container;
use Newman\LaravelGraphQLTestUtils\Contracts\DriverContract;
class MyCustomDriver implements DriverContract
* @var Container
protected $app;
public function __construct(Container $app)
$this->app = $app;
public function getUrlPrefix(): ?string
// ... return your url prefix to GraphQL endpoint. in this case it would be /my-graphql
// returning null will fallback to default URL prefix.
return 'my-graphql';
public function getHttpMethodForSchema(string $schemaName): ?string
// ... detect HTTP method from schema name and return it.
// below is an example. You may read it from config or resolve any other way.
// returning null will fallback to default HTTP method.
return $schemaName == 'default' ? 'GET' : 'POST';
Then in your ServiceProvider (e.g. AppServiceProvider
namespace App\Providers;
use App\Support\GraphQLTestingDrivers\MyCustomDriver;
use Newman\LaravelGraphQLTestUtils\GraphQLTesting;
class AppServiceProvider extends \Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider
public function boot()
// to activate this driver
public function register()
// ... your other bindings
$this->app->bind('laravel-graphql-utils-driver:myCustom', MyCustomDriver::class);
We'll appreciate your collaboration to this package.
When making pull requests, make sure:
- All tests are passing:
composer test
- Test coverage is not reduced:
composer test-coverage
- There are no PHPStan errors:
composer phpstan
- Coding standard is followed:
composer lint
orcomposer fix-style
to automatically fix it.