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How to run cluster

Create kubernetes cluster

  1. You can set up kubernetes in your environment using this instruction
  2. You can use Google Kubernetes Engine, more information about you can find here GKE

Deploy helm charts

  1. Install kubectl, kubedecode and helm
  • Configure kubectl to connect the cluster
  • helm init
  1. Create all namespaces and secrets for db
  • This can be implemented in two ways:
    • You can create them manually
    • You can use script below
### Create namespace's
NAMESPACES=(ael digital-signature em fe fraud il gndf kong logging man me mithril monitoring mpi ops prm redis replication reports traefik uaddresses verification)
for namespace in ${NAMESPACES[@]}; do
 kubectl create ns $namespace

### Create replication password
rep=$(openssl rand -hex 10);

### Create secrets
kubectl create secret generic db -n digital-signature --from-literal=DB_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -hex 10) --from-literal=REPLICATOR_PASSWORD=$rep;
kubectl create secret generic db -n fraud --from-literal=DB_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -hex 10) --from-literal=REPLICATOR_PASSWORD=$rep;
kubectl create secret generic db -n man --from-literal=DB_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -hex 10) --from-literal=REPLICATOR_PASSWORD=$rep;
kubectl create secret generic db -n mithril --from-literal=DB_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -hex 10) --from-literal=REPLICATOR_PASSWORD=$rep;
kubectl create secret generic db -n mpi --from-literal=DB_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -hex 10) --from-literal=REPLICATOR_PASSWORD=$rep;
kubectl create secret generic db -n prm --from-literal=DB_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -hex 10) --from-literal=REPLICATOR_PASSWORD=$rep;
kubectl create secret generic db -n reports --from-literal=DB_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -hex 10) --from-literal=REPLICATOR_PASSWORD=$rep;
kubectl create secret generic db -n uaddresses --from-literal=DB_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -hex 10) --from-literal=REPLICATOR_PASSWORD=$rep;
kubectl create secret generic db -n verification --from-literal=DB_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -hex 10) --from-literal=REPLICATOR_PASSWORD=$rep;
kubectl create secret generic db -n em --from-literal=DB_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -hex 10) --from-literal=REPLICATOR_PASSWORD=$rep
kubectl create secret generic db -n kong --from-literal=DB_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -hex 10) --from-literal=REPLICATOR_PASSWORD=$rep

### Get secrets for db user
digital_signature=$(kubectl get secret --namespace digital-signature db -o jsonpath="{.data.DB_PASSWORD}" | base64 --decode ; echo);
fraud=$(kubectl get secret --namespace fraud db -o jsonpath="{.data.DB_PASSWORD}" | base64 --decode ; echo);
man=$(kubectl get secret --namespace man db -o jsonpath="{.data.DB_PASSWORD}" | base64 --decode ; echo);
mithril=$(kubectl get secret --namespace mithril db -o jsonpath="{.data.DB_PASSWORD}" | base64 --decode ; echo);
mpi=$(kubectl get secret --namespace mpi db -o jsonpath="{.data.DB_PASSWORD}" | base64 --decode ; echo);
prm=$(kubectl get secret --namespace prm db -o jsonpath="{.data.DB_PASSWORD}" | base64 --decode ; echo);
reports=$(kubectl get secret --namespace reports db -o jsonpath="{.data.DB_PASSWORD}" | base64 --decode ; echo);
uaddresses=$(kubectl get secret --namespace uaddresses db -o jsonpath="{.data.DB_PASSWORD}" | base64 --decode ; echo);
verification=$(kubectl get secret --namespace verification db -o jsonpath="{.data.DB_PASSWORD}" | base64 --decode ; echo);
em=$(kubectl get secret --namespace em db -o jsonpath="{.data.DB_PASSWORD}" | base64 --decode ; echo);

### Create ops secrets
kubectl create secret generic db -n ops --from-literal=DB_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -hex 10) --from-literal=REPLICATOR_PASSWORD=$rep --from-literal=DB_PASSWORD_BLOCK=$(openssl rand -hex 10) --from-literal=EM_PASSWORD=$em ;

ops=$(kubectl get secret --namespace ops db -o jsonpath="{.data.DB_PASSWORD}" | base64 --decode ; echo);
ops_block=$(kubectl get secret --namespace ops db -o jsonpath="{.data.DB_PASSWORD_BLOCK}" | base64 --decode ; echo);

### Create il secrets
kubectl create secret generic db -n il --from-literal=DB_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -hex 10) \
--from-literal=REPLICATOR_PASSWORD=$rep \
--from-literal=PRM_PASSWORD=$prm \
--from-literal=BLOCKS_PASSWORD=$ops_block \
--from-literal=FRAUD_PASSWORD=$fraud  \
--from-literal=EM_PASSWORD=$em ;

il=$(kubectl get secret --namespace il db -o jsonpath="{.data.DB_PASSWORD}" | base64 --decode ; echo);
  1. Redis chart
  • set redis password in values.yaml section password or if it's empty it would generate password
  • deploy redis
    • helm install -f redis/values.yaml --name redis redis --namespace redis
  • get service name
    • kubectl get svc -n redis
  • get redis password with
    • kubedecode redis redis
  1. Traefik chart
  • if you use ssl, need to add certs in "values_demo.yaml" in the section ssl "defaultCert:" and "defaultKey:" otherwise set "ssl: enabled: false"
  • deploy traefik chart
    • helm install -f traefik-chart/values_demo.yaml --name traefik traefik-chart --namespace kube-system
  1. AEL chart
  • fill out values.yaml:
    • HOST: "" - or some hostname
    • SECRET: "<gen some value>"
    • ERLANG_COOKIE: "<gen some value>"
  • create all buckets that in "KNOWN_BUCKETS"
    • generate key in json for buckets, encode it to base64 and add to "template/gcs-secrets.yaml" to "sa.json:" field
    • example
 "type": "test_service_account",
 "project_id": "test",
 "private_key_id": "test",
 "private_key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n
-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
 "client_email": "[email protected]",
 "client_id": "test",
 "auth_uri": "",
 "token_uri": "",
 "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
 "client_x509_cert_url": ""

would be in base64

  • deploy ael with helm
    • helm install -f ael/values-demo.yaml --name ael ael --namespace ael
  1. Kong chart
  • set in tamplates/dep.yaml value replicas: to 0 its need for migrations database
  • deploy kong chart
    • helm install -f kong/values-demo.yaml --name kong kong --namespace kong
  • wait while db pod will be in running state 1/1
  • edit values-demo.yaml: log_backups: enabled: false/true
  • (log_backup save postgresql log to google bucket use it to other charts too)
  • set run_migration: true and upgrade kong with helm
    • helm upgrade -f kong/values-demo.yaml kong kong
  • set run_migration: false and upgrade kong this step remove migration pod from cluster
    • helm upgrade -f kong/values-demo.yaml kong kong
  • scale api pods with
    • kubectl scale deployment -n kong --replicas 1 api
  • fill out redis password in kong-dev.yaml
    • import config to kong app
      • utility how to do it and instructions for it will be located in kongak folder
  1. Digital-signature chart
  • fill out values.yaml:
    • HOST: "" - or some hostname
    • SECRET: "<gen some value>"
    • ERLANG_COOKIE: "<gen some value>"
  • install chart with helm
    • helm install -f digital-signature/values-demo.yaml --name digital-signature digital-signature --namespace digital-signature
  • fill table certs in digital-signature db for correct work of the system
  1. Event-manager chart
  • fill out values.yaml:
    • HOST: "" - or some hostname
    • SECRET: "<gen some value>"
    • ERLANG_COOKIE: "<gen some value>"
  • install chart with helm
    • helm install -f em/values-demo.yaml --name em em --namespace em
  1. Fraud chart
  • install chart with helm
    • helm install -f fraud/values-demo.yaml --name fraud fraud --namespace fraud
  1. Report chart
  • fill out values.yaml:
    • HOST: "" - or some hostname
    • SECRET: "<gen some value>"
    • ERLANG_COOKIE: "<gen some value>"
  • install chart with helm
    • helm install -f report/values-demo.yaml --name reports report --namespace reports
  1. Uaddresses chart
  • fill out values.yaml:
    • HOST: "" - or some hostname
    • SECRET: "<gen some value>"
    • ERLANG_COOKIE: "<gen some value>"
    • CLIENT_ID: ""
    • host:
    • API_ENDPOINT: ""
    • OAUTH_URL: ""
  • install chart with helm
    • helm install -f uaddresses/values-demo.yaml --name uaddresses uaddresses --namespace uaddresses
  1. Verification chart
  • create or copy redis secret to verification namespace
    • kubectl get secrets redis -n redis -o yaml | sed 's/namespace: redis/namespace: il/' | kubectl create -f -
  • fill out values.yaml:
    • HOST: "" - or some hostname
    • SECRET: "<gen some value>"
    • ERLANG_COOKIE: "<gen some value>"
  • if you have api andpoint of ypur sms provider you can fill out those values
    • GATEWAY_URL: ""
  • install chart with helm
    • helm install -f verification/values-demo.yaml --name verification verification --namespace verification
  1. Mithril chart
  • fill out values.yaml:
    • HOST: "" - or some hostname
    • SECRET: "<gen some value>"
    • ERLANG_COOKIE: "<gen some value>"
    • JWT_SECRET: "<gen some value>"
    • CLIENT_ID: ""
    • API_ENDPOINT: ""
    • OAUTH_URL: ""
    • host:
  • install chart with helm
    • helm install -f mithril/values-demo.yaml --name mithril mithril --namespace mithril
  1. Man chart
  • fill out values.yaml:
    • HOST: "" - or some hostname
    • SECRET: "<gen some value>"
    • ERLANG_COOKIE: "<gen some value>"
  • need to fill AUTH_HOST: "" with the url of auth endpoint
    • AUTH_HOST: ""
  • install chart with helm
    • helm install -f man/values-demo.yaml --name man man --namespace man
  1. Mpi chart
  • fill out values.yaml:
    • HOST: "" - or some hostname
    • SECRET: "<gen some value>"
    • ERLANG_COOKIE: "<gen some value>"
  • need to create secret in mpi namespace with name config-toml and content:
    database = "mpi"
    username = "db"
    password = "__db-password__"
    hostname = "db-svc"
    port = 5432

*Note, that __db-password__ is auto generated password in k8s secret in the first paragraph of this manual.

  • kubectl create secret generic config-toml --from-env-file="config-toml"
  • install chart with helm
    • helm install -f mpi/values-demo.yaml --name mpi mpi --namespace mpi
  1. Ops chart
  • fill out values.yaml:
    • HOST: "" - or some hostname
    • SECRET: "<gen some value>"
    • ERLANG_COOKIE: "<gen some value>"
  • install chart with helm
    • helm install -f ops/values-demo.yaml --name ops ops --namespace ops
  1. Prm chart
  • install chart with helm
    • helm install -f prm/values-demo.yaml --name prm prm --namespace prm
  1. Il chart
  • create or copy redis secret to il namespace
    • kubectl get secrets redis -n redis -o yaml | sed 's/namespace: redis/namespace: il/' | kubectl create -f -
  • fill out values.yaml:
    • HOST: "" - or some hostname
    • SECRET: "<gen some value>"
    • ERLANG_COOKIE: "<gen some value>"
  • for the emails to work correctly, following values nedded be filled
    • BAMBOO_EMPLOYEE_REQUEST_INVITATION_FROM: "" <- email from which to send letters
    • BAMBOO_EMPLOYEE_REQUEST_UPDATE_INVITATION_FROM: "" <- email from which to send letters
    • BAMBOO_EMPLOYEE_CREATED_NOTIFICATION_FROM: "" <- email from which to send letters
    • BAMBOO_CREDENTIALS_RECOVERY_REQUEST_INVITATION_FROM: "" <- email from which to send letters
    • EMAIL_VERIFICATION_TEMPLATE_ID: "" <- this value can be found in man database, need to insert id of the value with title Email verification
    • EMAIL_VERIFICATION_FROM: "" <- email from which to send letters
    • CHAIN_VERIFICATION_FAILED_NOTIFICATION_FROM: "" <- email from which to send letters
    • CHAIN_VERIFICATION_FAILED_NOTIFICATION_TO: "" <- email to send letters
    • CIPHER_KEYPHRASE: "<gen some value>"
    • CIPHER_IVPHRASE: "<gen some value>"
    • JWT_SECRET: "<gen some value>"
  • for simplifying testing of system recommended to set DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_ENABLED: "false"
  • install chart with helm
    • helm install -f il/values-demo.yaml --name il il --namespace il
  1. Fe chart
  • For correct work it's must fill out all values with correct names of dns

    • ## FE ADMIN ## section
      • REACT_APP_API_URL: "" <- url to api endpoint
      • REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID: "" <- need to create in mithril
      • REACT_APP_CLIENT_SECRET: "" <- need to create in mithril
      • REACT_APP_OAUTH_URL: "" <- url to <auth_url>/sign-in endpoint
      • REACT_APP_OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI: "" <- url to <admin_url>/auth/redirect endpoint
      • REACT_APP_SIGNER_URL: "" <- url to <auth_url>/auth/redirect endpoint
    • ## FE ADMIN GATEKEEPER ## section
      • OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI: "" <- url to <admin_url>/auth/redirect endpoint
      • REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID: "" <- need to create in mithril, must be the same as in ## FE ADMIN ## section
      • REACT_APP_CLIENT_SECRET: "" <- need to create in mithril, must be the same as in ## FE ADMIN ## section
      • COOKIE_DOMAIN: "" <- root domain, for example, you have admin panel in domain so your cookie-domain will be
    • ## FE ADMIN LEGACY ## section
      • REACT_APP_API_HOST: "" <- url to api endpoint
      • REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID: "" <- need to create in mithril
      • REACT_APP_OAUTH_URL: "" <- url to <auth_url>/sign-in endpoint
      • REACT_APP_OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI: "" <- url to <admin_url>/auth/redirect endpoint
      • REACT_APP_SIGNER_URL: "" <- url to <auth_url>/auth/redirect endpoint
      • REACT_APP_APP_ENV: "" <- value for multiple environment for example can be dev/demo/preprod/prod
      • REACT_APP_BI_URL: "" <- if you have business intelligence service like PowerBI you can paste link here to your dashboard
    • ## FE ADMIN LEGACY GATEKEEPER ## section
      • OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI: "" <- url to <admin_url>/auth/redirect endpoint
      • CLIENT_ID: "" <- need to create in mithril, must be the same as in ## FE ADMIN ## section
      • CLIENT_SECRET: "" <- need to create in mithril, must be the same as in ## FE ADMIN ## section
      • COOKIE_DOMAIN: ""<- root domain, for example, you have admin panel in domain so your cookie-domain will be
    • ## FE PORTAL ## section
      • loadBalancerIP: <- if you have loadbalancer ypu can fill this value with the ip adress
      • API_ENDPOINT: "" <- url to api endpoint
    • ## FE AUTH ## section
      • loadBalancerIP: <- if you have loadbalancer ypu can fill this value with the ip adress
      • REACT_APP_API_URL: "" <- url to api endpoint
      • REACT_APP_AUTH_URL: "" <- url to api endpoint
      • REACT_APP_PROXY_URL: "" <- url to proxy endpoint for example
      • REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID: "" <- need to create in mithril, must be the same as in ## FE ADMIN ## section
      • REACT_APP_PATIENT_ACCOUNT_REDIRECT_URI: "" <- url to account endpoint
      • REACT_APP_ALLOWED_SIGN_ORIGINS: "" <- allowed origin in header ","
    • admin_host: <- admin domain
    • admin_legacy_host: <- admin-legacy domain
    • auth_host: <- auth domain
    • nhs_portal_host: <- portal domain
    • proxy_host: <- proxy domain
    • env: <- parametr for helm env
  • install chart with helm

    • helm install -f fe/values-demo.yaml --name fe fe --namespace fe
  1. For logical replication, it's needed manually to add tables into provider and subscriber, all steps described in

  2. For accessing to admin panel it's needed to create user, role, client and connection in mithril database.

  • Creating user (login: [email protected], password: example | and password created in htpasswd)
INSERT INTO public.users (id, email, password, settings, priv_settings, inserted_at, updated_at, is_blocked, block_reason, password_set_at, tax_id, person_id) VALUES ('f4b30887-07b6-427a-a34d-9e29d88bf497', '[email protected]', '$apr1$sqVKfHmh$2Ng0qlKlNRCeDZVJZ3Tct.', '{}', '{"login_hstr": [{"time": "2018-07-26T05:31:10.760552", "type": "otp", "is_success": true}, {"time": "2018-07-05T08:48:26.989428", "type": "otp", "is_success": true}, {"time": "2018-07-05T08:47:10.871498", "type": "otp", "is_success": true}], "otp_error_counter": 0}', '2017-05-28 08:25:46.547953', '2019-01-22 09:57:21.824112', 'false', NULL, '2019-01-20 12:00:00.000000', '', '');
  • Creating client If sql raise error, perhaps firstly you need to create client type using unique id, than recreate client inserting that id into client_type_id field.
INSERT INTO public.clients (id, name, settings, priv_settings, user_id, inserted_at, updated_at, client_type_id, is_blocked, block_reason, redirect_uri) VALUES ('73ea1d7f-3d49-4fc9-a25d-f827d29b2ba5', 'eHealth Dev NHS Admin', '{}', '{"access_type": "DIRECT", "broker_scope": "bl_user:deactivate bl_user:read bl_user:write declaration:approve declaration:approve declaration:read declaration:reject declaration:write declaration_documents:read declaration_request:read declaration_request:write dictionary:write employee:deactivate employee:read employee:write employee_request:read employee_request:write global_parameters:read global_parameters:write innm:read innm:write innm_dosage:deactivate innm_dosage:read innm_dosage:write legal_entity:deactivate legal_entity:nhs_verify legal_entity:read medical_program:deactivate medical_program:read medical_program:write medication:deactivate medication:read medication:write medication_dispense:read medication_dispense:reject medication_request:details medication_request:read party_user:read person:reset_authentication_method program_medication:read program_medication:write user:approve_factor user:request_factor reimbursement_report:read reimbursement_report:download global_parameters:read global_parameters:write dictionary:write declaration:terminate register:read register:write person:read register_entry:read contract_request:create contract_request:update contract_request:read contract_request:sign contract_request:terminate contract:read capitation_report:read contract:terminate division:read legal_entity:merge related_legal_entities:read legal_entity_merge_ contract:read"}', 'f4b30887-07b6-427a-a34d-9e29d88bf497', '2017-07-19 09:46:23.220795', '2017-07-19 09:46:23.220806', '5dd3005f-3d26-4878-9b8f-14aeeb2711cf', false, null, null);
INSERT INTO public.clients (id, name, settings, priv_settings, user_id, inserted_at, updated_at, client_type_id, is_blocked, block_reason, redirect_uri) VALUES ('e32e51ac-f720-4e42-adb3-67d504f3ad30', 'eHealth Local Legacy NHS Admin', '{"allowed_grant_types": ["password"]}', '{"access_type": "DIRECT", "broker_scope": "bl_user:deactivate bl_user:read bl_user:write declaration:approve declaration:approve declaration:read declaration:reject declaration:write declaration_documents:read declaration_request:read declaration_request:write dictionary:write employee:deactivate employee:read employee:write employee_request:read employee_request:write global_parameters:read global_parameters:write innm:read innm:write innm_dosage:deactivate innm_dosage:read innm_dosage:write legal_entity:deactivate legal_entity:nhs_verify legal_entity:read medical_program:deactivate medical_program:read medical_program:write medication:deactivate medication:read medication:write medication_dispense:read medication_dispense:reject medication_request:details medication_request:read party_user:read person:reset_authentication_method program_medication:read program_medication:write user:approve_factor user:request_factor reimbursement_report:read reimbursement_report:download global_parameters:read global_parameters:write dictionary:write declaration:terminate register:read register:write person:read register_entry:read contract_request:create contract_request:update contract_request:read contract_request:sign contract_request:terminate contract:read capitation_report:read contract:terminate division:read legal_entity:merge related_legal_entities:read legal_entity_merge_"}', 'f4b30887-07b6-427a-a34d-9e29d88bf497', '2017-05-28 08:31:26.151127', '2018-01-10 21:02:40.482644', '5dd3005f-3d26-4878-9b8f-14aeeb2711cf', 'false', 1, '');
INSERT INTO public.clients (id, name, settings, priv_settings, user_id, inserted_at, updated_at, client_type_id, is_blocked, block_reason, redirect_uri) VALUES ('9f81c81a-7bf7-4f19-934a-875f923d334f', 'eHealth Auth', '{"allowed_grant_types": ["password", "digital_signature"]}', '{"access_type": "DIRECT"}', NULL, '2017-05-26 08:08:46.949865', '2017-05-26 08:08:46.949865', 'a819458b-5e55-4612-b9a5-578bfaa885de', 'false', NULL, NULL);
  • Creating user-role
INSERT INTO public.user_roles (id, user_id, role_id, client_id, inserted_at, updated_at) VALUES ('6ee99461-00c2-46d4-9bb2-3cdd049391c7', 'f4b30887-07b6-427a-a34d-9e29d88bf497', '469f9177-cc8a-4f9d-a9ae-c448d45afb07', '73ea1d7f-3d49-4fc9-a25d-f827d29b2ba5', '2017-07-19 10:19:23.024514', '2017-07-19 10:19:23.024524');
  • Creating connection for client
INSERT INTO public.connections (id, secret, redirect_uri, client_id, consumer_id, inserted_at, updated_at) VALUES ('8ac324d2-65fb-4b5c-bab1-45bc8d264e42', 'd09vQUFlWTZ6Q0RXRDJISldUOVQ3dz09', '', '73ea1d7f-3d49-4fc9-a25d-f827d29b2ba5', '73ea1d7f-3d49-4fc9-a25d-f827d29b2ba5', '2018-09-11 12:27:56.053914', '2018-09-11 12:27:56.053914');
INSERT INTO public.connections (id, secret, redirect_uri, client_id, consumer_id, inserted_at, updated_at) VALUES ('8b14cb01-5f68-4c63-a337-6b62ef92ae85', 'dKh3nUUKUHRsbkN6VnJBT0RQeHFUUT09', '', '73ea1d7f-3d49-4fc9-a25d-f827d29b2ba5', '73ea1d7f-3d49-4fc9-a25d-f827d29b2ba5', '2018-09-25 12:57:37.136431', '2018-09-25 12:57:37.136431');
  • Creating clinet_types if they didn't exist in db
INSERT INTO public.client_types (id, name, scope, inserted_at, updated_at) VALUES ('a819458b-5e55-4612-b9a5-578bfaa885de', 'Auth_FE', 'app:authorize employee_request:approve employee_request:reject user:request_factor user:approve_factor user:change_password', '2017-05-05 13:38:31.504729', '2017-05-05 13:38:31.504740');
  • After creating all objects it's need to fill valuse in fe charts

    • REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID with value of id from clients with name eHealth Auth
    • REACT_APP_CLIENT_SECRET and CLIENT_SECRET with value of secret from connections, for admin and admin-legacy must be their values
  • More details about scopes can be found at the following link

  1. MIS creating
  • create user in mithril db
INSERT INTO public.users (id, email, password, settings, priv_settings, inserted_at, updated_at, is_blocked, block_reason, password_set_at, tax_id, person_id) VALUES ('f0245119-59f8-4a9c-a811-90d48d26af40', '[email protected]', '$apr1$Us5UCc.q$Eo1CJAlrP.1s3vORuwhEg1', '{}', '{"otp_error_counter": 0, "login_error_counter": 0}', '2017-05-18 09:20:35.887753', '2017-05-18 09:20:35.887838', 'false', NULL, '2020-05-12 13:03:14.335000', '', '');
  • create client
INSERT INTO public.clients (id, name, settings, priv_settings, user_id, inserted_at, updated_at, client_type_id, is_blocked, block_reason, redirect_uri) VALUES ('658fa8f0-4d16-4871-ac10-bdfccb28f0f9', 'Test MIS', '{"allowed_grant_types": ["password", "access_token"]}', '{"access_type": "DIRECT", "broker_scope": "capitation_report:read declaration_documents:read contract_request:sign employee:deactivate medication_request_request:reject legal_entity:read declaration_request:sign medication_request:details division:activate employee:details division:deactivate otp:write declaration_request:read employee_request:read employee_request:reject employee_request:write division:read medication_request:resend employee:write declaration_request:write medical_program:deactivate division:details division:write medical_program:read medication_dispense:reject declaration:read medication_request_request:sign drugs:read medication_dispense:process secret:refresh medical_program:write otp:read medication_request_request:write medication_request_request:read medication_request:read medication_dispense:read person:read medication_dispense:write declaration_request:approve employee_request:approve medication_request:reject declaration_request:reject reimbursement_report:read employee:read event:read contract_request:create contract_request:terminate contract:read contract_request:approve contract_request:update contract_request:sign contract_request:read contract:write contract:terminate      client:read connection:read connection:write connection:refresh_secret connection:delete      patient_summary:read related_legal_entities:read encounter:write encounter:read episode:write episode:read job:read condition:read observation:read immunization:read allergy_intolerance:read encounter:cancel service_request:write service_request:read service_request:use"}', 'f0245119-59f8-4a9c-a811-90d48d26af40', '2017-07-05 10:48:27.924986', '2017-12-26 14:48:33.966289', 'f63b71f8-3177-4c66-a614-0abc946f6249', 'false', NULL, NULL);
  • create role for MIS, if it's does not exist
INSERT INTO public.roles (id, name, scope, inserted_at, updated_at) VALUES ('85f8e188-a20f-4200-a617-55345c3fd32c', 'MIS USER', 'legal_entity:read legal_entity:write legal_entity:mis_verify role:read user:request_factor user:approve_factor event:read employee_request:read client:read connection:read connection:write connection:refresh_secret connection:delete', '2017-07-12 12:32:35.583000', '2017-07-12 12:32:37.365000');
  • create user_roles for MIS
INSERT INTO public.user_roles (id, user_id, role_id, client_id, inserted_at, updated_at) VALUES ('bccc75a4-9382-4b80-bd3d-121e3047d911', 'f0245119-59f8-4a9c-a811-90d48d26af40', '85f8e188-a20f-4200-a617-55345c3fd32c', '658fa8f0-4d16-4871-ac10-bdfccb28f0f9', '2017-07-12 12:35:46.781000', '2017-07-12 12:35:48.510000');

Working with API

  • Use following manual to work with API


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