Open source, do not forget to put your ⭐
go here:
Firstly you need to download exe / build it from sources. In same folder drop vmm.dll, leechcore.dll, FTD3XX.dll. After that you need get
After that we need to setup KmBox settings in kmbox.json
Example for net
Example for b
KmBox B has no tests, so if you have problem - you can write me and I will fix it.
To hide menu - press F8
- Visuals
- ESP: Box, eye ray, health bar, weapon, distance, name
- Lines to enemy
- AimBot
- Hotkey, Aimfov, Visual Check, Smooth, IgnoreOnShoot
- AutoShot, Aim bone for (default, pistols, snipers)
- Radar
- Size (small, big)
- TriggerBot
- Hotkey, mode (always, onkey), delay
- Utilities
- Team Check
- Configs
- Create, Save, Load, Delete