Creates an Oauth 2.0 authentication server with Ruby on Ralis
->rails new "App_Name" Create Models Users has may Courses -rails g scaffold User username:string password:string -rails g scaffold Course name:string description:string -rake db:migrate Use gem 'bcrypt', '~> 3.1.7' to encrypt password Add 'requiere "bcrypt" in models/user.rb
class User < ApplicationRecord
require "bcrypt"
end -bundle install Add this mothods in models/user.rb class User < ApplicationRecord
require "bcrypt"
before_create :set_encrypt_password
validates :username, :presence => true, :uniqueness => true, :length => { :in => 3..20 }
def set_encrypt_password
self.password = BCrypt::Password.create self.password
end Create a new user in /users/new URL Create a few new Courses in /courses/new URL =========================================== Create API generate the endpoints ADD this in config/routes.rb #==================== MY API ==============================
namespace :api, defaults: {format: "json" } do
resources :courses, controller: :courses, only: [:index]
# URL /apis/courses
end IN controllers create new folder-> called->'api' then new file-> api/courses_controller.rb then add this:
class Api::CoursesController < ApplicationController
def index
end IN views create new folder 'api'/new folder 'courses' then/ new file 'index.json.jbuilder' Inside index.json.jbuilder add this-> json.test verdadero Go to api/courses URL it should give the error 'undefined local variable or method `verdadero' for #<#Class:0x9ba7008:0x9ba6690>'
Add this query to the var in the methos index at controllers/api/courses_controller.rb
- def index
@courses = Course.all
- end Modify index.json.jbuilder to this:
- @courses do |course|
- json.description course.description
- end Save it go to url api/courses you should get the json display like this: {"courses":[ {"id":1,"name":"Java","description":"javavavava Des"}, {"id":2,"name":"Python","description":"python desp"} ]} ============================================ doorkeeper ->
Add gem 'doorkeeper' then run-> bundle install Run-> rails generate doorkeeper:install There is a setup that you need to do before you can use doorkeeper. Step 1. Go to config/initializers/doorkeeper.rb and configure resource_owner_authenticator block.
Step 2. Choose the ORM:
If you want to use ActiveRecord run:
rails generate doorkeeper:migration
And run
rake db:migrate
Go to oauth/applications, should display this error from bookeeper> undefined local variable or method `root_path' for #<#Class:0x6223bd8:0x6221748> So in routes.rb add this: root :to => 'user#new' #login
use_doorkeeper #this line allows access to those routes # GET /oauth/authorize/:code # GET /oauth/authorize # POST /oauth/authorize # DELETE /oauth/authorize # POST /oauth/token # POST /oauth/revoke # resources /oauth/applications # GET /oauth/authorized_applications # DELETE /oauth/authorized_applications/:id # GET /oauth/token/info ===================================== Create new application called whatever you want in 'Redirect URi' Use 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob' for local tests Click Submit, It should display something like this: Application created. Application: web Application Id:
Callback urls:
urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob Authorize Actions Edit
To restrict access to the endpoints Add this line in controllers/api/courses_controller.rb> -before_action :doorkeeper_authorize!
IF Go to http://localhost:3000/api/courses doesnot display the JSON anymore. And if go the console will display the error 401 Unauthorized
you could add Escessions in the line-> before_action :doorkeeper_authorize! only: Admin! etc.