Integration of JSON API with Symfony which supports JMS Serializer V1 (V2 support coming soon)
- Declare following repository in your
"repositories": [
{ "type": "vcs", "url": "" }
Install required package:
composer require steffenbrem/json-api-bundle:dev-production
Register bundles in your AppKernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = [
new JMS\SerializerBundle\JMSSerializerBundle(),
new Mango\Bundle\JsonApiBundle\MangoJsonApiBundle(),
return $bundles;
Configure JMS serializer:
separator: '_'
auto_detection: true
namespace_prefix: "Your\\Entity" # <------ Replace with yours entities namespace
path: "@YourAppBundle/Resources/config/serializer/entity" # <------ Replace with path where you will put serialization configs
Configure JsonApiBundle:
base_uri: ~
catch_exceptions: true
We assume that you are already familiar with JMS serializer. If not please following original JMS serialization V1 documentation:
It is preferable to use YAML, but you can use annotations as well. The only difference that you should specify type and idField as following: YAML example:
type: users
idField: id
Annotation example:
* User model
* @JsonApi\Resource(
* type="users",
* showLinkSelf=true,
* absolute=true
* )
class User
* Brand ID
* @var integer
* @JsonApi\Id()
* @Jms\Type("integer")
private $id;
use Mango\Bundle\JsonApiBundle\Serializer\JsonApiResponse;
class UserController extends Controller
public function getUsersAction()
$serializer = $this->get('jms_serializer');
return new JsonApiResponse($serializer->serialize($users));
Create class validation
namespace App\Parameters;
use Mango\Bundle\JsonApiBundle\RequestParameters\GetParametersAbstract;
use Mango\Bundle\JsonApiBundle\RequestParameters\Model\Filtering\FilterParamInterface;
class BrandGetParameters extends GetParametersAbstract
public function getAvailableFilterFields(): array
return [
public function getAvailableSortingFields(): array
return [
public static function getFilterFieldOperators(): array
return [
'code' => FilterParamInterface::OPERATOR_CONTAINS,
'name' => FilterParamInterface::OPERATOR_CONTAINS,
Add following document block for controller method:
* @Sensio\ParamConverter(
* "parameters",
* class="App\Parameters\BrandGetParameters",
* converter = "json_api.request_params.converter.http_request_converter",
* options={"query", "validate"}
* )
namespace App\Controller;
use App\Parameters\BrandGetParameters;
use Pagerfanta\Adapter\DoctrineORMAdapter;
use Pagerfanta\Pagerfanta;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
class BrandController extends Controller
* @Sensio\ParamConverter(
* "parameters",
* class="App\Parameters\BrandGetParameters",
* converter = "json_api.request_params.converter.http_request_converter",
* options={"query", "validate"}
* )
public function getBrandsAction(BrandGetParameters $parameters)
if (!$parameters->isValid()) {
return new JsonApiResponse(
$brandsPager = new Pagerfanta(
new DoctrineORMAdapter(
return new JsonApiResponse($this->serialize($brandsPager));
Not yet implemented. Coming soon
...but still might useful in some cases
This will define your class as a JSON-API resource, and you can optionally set it's type name.
This annotation can be defined on a class.
use Mango\Bundle\JsonApiBundle\Configuration\Annotation as JsonApi;
* @JsonApi\Resource(type="posts", showLinkSelf=true, absolute=false)
class Post
// ...
Property | Default | Required | Content | Info |
type | ~ | No | string | If left default, it will resolve its type dynamically based on the short class name. |
showLinkSelf | true | No | boolean | Add self link to the resource |
absolute | false | No | boolean | Enables absolute urls creation |
This will define the property that will be used as the id
of a resource. It needs to be unique for every resource of the same type.
This annotation can be defined on a property.
use Mango\Bundle\JsonApiBundle\Configuration\Annotation as JsonApi;
* @JsonApi\Resource(type="posts")
class Post
* @JsonApi\Id
protected $uuid;
This will define a relationship that can be either a oneToMany
or manyToOne
. Optionally you can set includeByDefault
to include (sideload) the relationship with it's primary resource.
This annotation can be defined on a property.
use Mango\Bundle\JsonApiBundle\Configuration\Annotation as JsonApi;
* @JsonApi\Resource(type="posts")
class Post
// ..
* @JsonApi\Relationship(includeByDefault=true, showLinkSelf=false, showLinkRelated=false, absolute=false)
protected $comments;
Property | Default | Required | Content | Info |
includeByDefault | false | No | boolean | This will include (sideload) the relationship with it's primary resource |
showData | false | No | boolean | Shows data , which consists of ids of the relationship data |
showLinkSelf | false | No | boolean | Add self link of the relationship |
showLinkRelated | false | No | boolean | Add related link of the relationship |
absolute | false | No | boolean | Enables absolute urls creation |
# app/config/config.yml
show_version_info: true
$serializer = $container->get('jms_serializer');
$serializer->serialize($object, 'json'); // raw json
$serializer->serialize($object, 'json:api'); // json:api
$serializer->deserialize($string, \Some\Type:class, 'json'); // from raw json
$serializer->deserialize($string, \Some\Type:class, 'json:api'); // from json:api
GET /api/channels
"jsonapi": {
"version": "1.0"
"meta": {
"page": 1,
"limit": 10,
"pages": 1,
"total": 4
"data": [
"type": "channels",
"id": 5,
"attributes": {
"code": "WEB-UK",
"name": "UK Webstore",
"description": null,
"url": "localhost",
"color": "Blue",
"enabled": true,
"created-at": "2015-07-16T12:11:50+0000",
"updated-at": "2015-07-16T12:11:50+0000",
"locales": [],
"currencies": [],
"payment-methods": [],
"shipping-methods": [],
"taxonomies": []
"relationships": {
"workspace": {
"data": {
"type": "workspaces",
"id": 18
"type": "channels",
"id": 6,
"attributes": {
"code": "WEB-NL",
"name": "Dutch Webstore",
"description": null,
"url": null,
"color": "Orange",
"enabled": true,
"created-at": "2015-07-16T12:11:50+0000",
"updated-at": "2015-07-16T12:11:50+0000",
"locales": [],
"currencies": [],
"payment-methods": [],
"shipping-methods": [],
"taxonomies": []
"relationships": {
"workspace": {
"data": {
"type": "workspaces",
"id": 18
"type": "channels",
"id": 7,
"attributes": {
"code": "WEB-US",
"name": "United States Webstore",
"description": null,
"url": null,
"color": "Orange",
"enabled": true,
"created-at": "2015-07-16T12:11:50+0000",
"updated-at": "2015-07-16T12:11:50+0000",
"locales": [],
"currencies": [],
"payment-methods": [],
"shipping-methods": [],
"taxonomies": []
"relationships": {
"workspace": {
"data": {
"type": "workspaces",
"id": 18
"type": "channels",
"id": 8,
"attributes": {
"code": "MOBILE",
"name": "Mobile Store",
"description": null,
"url": null,
"color": "Orange",
"enabled": true,
"created-at": "2015-07-16T12:11:50+0000",
"updated-at": "2015-07-16T12:11:50+0000",
"locales": [],
"currencies": [],
"payment-methods": [],
"shipping-methods": [],
"taxonomies": []
"relationships": {
"workspace": {
"data": {
"type": "workspaces",
"id": 18
"included": [
"type": "workspaces",
"id": 18,
"attributes": {
"name": "First Workspace"
"relationships": {
"channels": {
"links": {
"related": "/workspaces/18/channels"