This gem was build to translate recorded XML Selenium tests to Cucumber. It was build for the Ruby On Rails project Test Ontohub.
This gem is not hosted on, so to install it you need to download it and run
rake install
Then you can add it to your Gemfile.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
If you're reading this, you hopefully want to test the Ruby On Rails project Ontohub on Test Ontohub. This site is in an similiar status like Ontohub, but it has a few test data for you to play with. May you want to check on some infos about Selenium and Cucumber before you test our site.
What you need to do first is to install Mozilla Firefox (currently version 39.0), if you haven't yet. After that you need to install the Firefox plugins 'Selenium IDE' (currently version 2.9.0), 'Selenium XML Formatter' (currently version 1.5.1), which allows you to export the recorded test as XML, and 'Selenium IDE Button'(currently version to start Selenium with an easy button click next to your address bar in Firefox.
After that you need to change some options in Selenium. Start Selenium and click on Options -> Options. In the opened window you select the tab 'Locator Builders'. These handle the locators to find your selected elements in your tests. With drag & drop you can arrange the locators like this:
- ui
- id
- link
- name
- dom:name
- xpath:link
- xpath:img
- xpath:attributes
- xpath:idRelative
- xpath:href
- dom:index
- xpath:position
- css
Now Selenium will record the elements with the ID, not the css selector because unexcact.
So let's record some tests. Please check in the Ontohub project that the test you want to record doesn't exist already. Also notice, that Selenium will record every input as plaintext, so create a new account with a different password on Start Selenium, go to and click the record button. Everything you interact with the site now will be recorded. With a right click you can add commands like assertText
or verifyTitle
so check, if a expected element is present. Please just use the assert*
and verify*
commands, because the other ones aren't supported. If you're done just click the record button again and the record will stop. Now you can export the test as XML via File -> Export Test Case As... -> XML Formatter.
The time is now that you need to install this gem. With featurecorder -h
you can see the options of this gem.
featurecorder [options] <file>
-s --scenario-name=<scenario> Name of the scenario.
-f --feature-name=<feature> Name of the feature.
-o --output-directory=<dir> Output directory for generated files.
Default is current directory.
-h --help Show this screen.
With the option -s
you can choose the name for the scenario, with -f
the name for the feature. -o
lets you decide where you want to save the generated files for Cucumber. If you call featurecorder
you need to state the XML file. If you're ready, fork the Ontohub project and you can post the files in a pull request.