More React Hooks for everyday use. π
Try it on CodePen:
- useLocalStorage
- useJoiState
- useDebouncedState
- useDebouncedEffect
- TrackingContainer
npm i easy-react-hooks
<TrackingContainer style={{}} className="" faktor={100}></TrackingContainer>
Live demo:
Makes the contents track the mouse position for smooth animation.
Bigger faktor will track less.
import React from 'react';
import { TrackingContainer } from 'easy-react-hooks';
function ExampleVcard() {
return (
<img src="" style={{width: "256px"}} />
const [state, setState] = useLocalStorage(key, init);
Save State to local Storage.
Any setValue saves the value to the localStorage. On initializing first the localStorage is read and (if empty) then the initial value.
import { useLocalStorage } from 'easy-react-hooks';
const [value, setValue] = useLocalStorage('my_key', 'initial Value');
const [state, setState, valid, validationMessage] = useJoiState(joiObject, init);
States with input validation, based on Joi:
import { useJoiState, Joi } from 'easy-react-hooks';
const [validationValues, setValidationValues, validation, validatedValues] =
Email: Joi.string()
.email({ tlds: { allow: false } }),
Number: Joi.number().min(5).max(100).multiple(3),
{ Email: '[email protected]', Number: 111 }
const [state, setState, debouncedState] = useDebouncedState(init, delay=1000)
Will set the state + give you a debounced value of this state.
const [notDeboucedState, setDebouncedState, deboucedState] = useDebouncedState(
'initial value',
useDebouncedEffect(fn, deps=undefined, delay=1000)
A useEffect that is debounced by X ms.
() => {
console.log('something updated!');