This is a project demonstrating a few sweet spots found balanced between declarative and imperative stylish, when put together, can make Đ (Edh) code even more concise than Haskell code.
This repository can be used as the scaffold to start a Haskell + Edh software project, as well as to run the demo for some feels.
Đ (Edh) code should be especially more readable/modifiable to average people without a functional mindset (yet), thus development of a software project in Haskell + Edh can be more viable and maintainable by teams with diversified crew members.
One possible division of labour on from this repository as a baseline, e.g.
Junior people and New Comers (the Dev), End Users (bugfixers):
Extend Đ (Edh) code with new modules, 3rd party packages for application / business logics, with fast iterations
Thinkist people:
Establish the world modeling code, then progressively (but may better conservatively) improve the models, for mistakes harder to be made, idiomatics easier to be followed
Architect / Senior Engineering people, Security Experts, the Ops:
Establish and maintain world reifying code, ensure the systems run continuously & securely on a foundation of contemporary technology stack, deal with dependency EOLs, patch CVEs in time, perform regularly the house keeping of backing storage
curl -L | tar xzf -
mv edhim-master my-awsome-project
cd my-awsome-project
Favouring Cabal
cabal v2-run edhim:edhim
Favouring Stack
stack run
The usecase is the same as the Chat Example in Simon Marlow's classic book Parallel and Concurrent Programming with Haskell
EdhIm talks through WebScokets so you use a web browser instead of cli to do chatting.
# this ctor bootstraps the chat world
class RunCtrl {
method __init__ (accessPoint as this.accessPoint) pass
chatters = {,} # the dict of all chatters by name
method dismiss () { # this is called on Ctrl^C at the console <| 'Dismissing all active chatters'
ai { # use a tx, don't get a racing joining chatter lost/leaked
committee = this.chatters
this.chatters = {,}
for (_name, chatter) from committee do if chatter!=nil then
chatter.kicked <- 'server purge'
# this ctor allocates a private namespace (object) for a new user session
class Chat {
kicked = sink # create a new sink for kicked-out event
reactor kicked reason {
runtime.debug <| 'Done with ' ++name++ ' - ' ++reason
# posting a nil:<str> pair as the msg out, to trigger `cutoffHuman`
# mechanism defined for the agency model
out <- nil: if reason != nil
then "You have been kicked: " ++ reason
else ''
break # `break` from a reactor breaks the thread, 'Chat' then stops
method __init__ (
incoming as this.incoming, out as this.out,
) { = '<stranger>' # to appear in the log on premature disconnection
out <- "What is your name?"
for name from incoming do case type(name) of {
StringType -> { = name
# use a tx to mediate naming contentions
ai case chatters[name] of nil -> {
chatters[name] = this
break # to break the for-from-do loop
out <- "The name " ++name++ " is in use, please choose another"
# not doing fallthrough here, the loop will continue
# abnormal input for name, this chatter is destined to be kicked out
kicked <- case name of {
{ cmd:_ } -> case cmd of {
'quit' -> nil # human left without answering the name
fallthrough # other malicious cmds
runtime.warn <| 'Some one tried to use name: ' ++ name
'misbehaving, adversarial name - ' ++ name
defer { # defered code is guaranteed to run on thread termination
runtime.debug <| 'Cleaning up for ' ++ name
# need a tx to not cleanup a later live chatter with same name
ai if chatters[name] == this then chatters[name] = nil
# here is a tiny window for user msgs through `incoming` get dropped,
# that between the subscription loop below and the name prompting loop
# above. this is not a big deal for our chat business, left as a demo.
for msg from incoming do case msg of {
# the mre (most-recent-event) from `incoming` atm tends to be the
# user's answer to name inquiry, it's very probably be the very first
# `msg` seen here, we take this chance to greet the user.
# well this handling may surprise the user when later he/she typed
# his/her own name, intending to send as a broadcast message.
name -> out <- ' 🎉 Welcome ' ++ name ++ '!'
{ cmd:args } -> case cmd of {
'kick' -> case args of { { (who,) } -> case chatters[who] of {
nil -> out <- who ++ ' is not connected'
{ chatter } -> {
chatter.kicked <- 'by ' ++
out <- 'you kicked ' ++ who
} out <- 'Invalid args to /kick: ' ++ args }
'tell' -> case args of { { (who, what) } -> case chatters[who] of {
nil -> out <- who ++ ' is not connected'
{ chatter } -> chatter.out <- '*'++name++'*: ' ++ what
} out <- 'Invalid args to /tell: ' ++ args }
'quit' -> { out <- nil:'Bye!'; kicked <- nil }
out <- 'Unrecognised command: ' ++ msg
# run to here means none of the branches above matched, so it's a public
# message and let's broadcast it
# it's okay to use a snapshot of all live chatters, no tx here
for (_name, chatter) from chatters do if chatter!=nil then
chatter.out <- '<'++ ++'>: ' ++ msg
method run () { # this is the method to keep the world running
# each time a new agent enters the chat world, a pair of sinks for its
# incoming and outgoing messages are posted through the sink of access point
for (in, out) from accessPoint do {
go Chat(in, out) # start a chatter thread to do the IO
in=nil out=nil # unref so they're garbage-collectable after chatter left
-- | This module models an Edh world doing chat hosting business
module ChatWorld where
import Prelude
-- import Debug.Trace
import GHC.Conc ( unsafeIOToSTM )
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Data.Text ( Text )
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import Language.Edh.EHI
-- * In this simple case, the input/output items between humans in the
-- real world and articles in the chat world are just textual messages
-- A sufficiently sophisticated Haskell + Edh application will include
-- more data structures to establish more interesting mechanics
type InputFromHuman = Text
type OutputToHuman = Text
-- * There must be some joint points for the chat world to be connected
-- to the real world, in this simple case, a singleton gate and many
-- user-agents are defined as to be
-- Sophisticated applications will have far or near more complex
-- mechanics and laws of physics
-- | Joint physics of the only gate in a chat world
data ChatAccessPoint = ChatAccessPoint {
dismissAll :: IO () -- ^ the action to kick all chatters out
-> IO () -- ^ the action installer
, accomodateAgents :: (ChatUserAgent -> IO ()) -- ^ the entry
-> IO () -- ^ the blocking accomodate action
-- | Joint physics of a user agent in a chat world
data ChatUserAgent = ChatUserAgent {
cutoffHuman :: OutputToHuman -- ^ last words
-> IO () -- ^ the action to kick a chatter out
, humanLeave :: IO () -> IO () -- ^ the notif a user disconnected
, toHuman :: OutputToHuman -- ^ some message
-> IO () -- ^ the outlet
, fromHuman :: (InputFromHuman -> IO ()) -- ^ the intake
-> IO () -- ^ the intake installer
-- * Adapt data structures between the chat world and the real world, in
-- this simple case, it's just some preliminary cmdl parsing on raw user
-- input line, and string coercing
parseInputFromHuman :: InputFromHuman -> EdhValue
parseInputFromHuman raw = case T.stripPrefix "/" raw of
Nothing -> EdhString raw
Just cmdl -> case T.words cmdl of
cmd : args -> EdhPair (EdhString cmd) (EdhTuple $ EdhString <$> args)
_ -> EdhString "/"
formatOutputToHuman :: EdhValue -> OutputToHuman
formatOutputToHuman (EdhString s) = s
formatOutputToHuman v = T.pack $ show v
-- | Connect chat world physics to the real world by pumping events in and out
adaptChatEvents :: ChatAccessPoint -> EventSink -> IO ()
adaptChatEvents !accessPoint !evsAP =
accomodateAgents accessPoint -- this blocks forever
-- this function is invoked for each user connection
$ \userAgent -> do
-- start a separate thread to pump msg from chat world to realworld
evsOut <- forkEventConsumer $ \evsOut -> do
(!subChan, !ev1) <- atomically (subscribeEvents evsOut)
let evToHuman !ev = case ev of
(EdhPair EdhNil (EdhString lastWords)) ->
-- this pattern from the world means chatter kicked
cutoffHuman userAgent lastWords
_ -> do
toHuman userAgent $ formatOutputToHuman ev
atomically (readTChan subChan) >>= evToHuman
case ev1 of
Just ev -> evToHuman ev
Nothing -> atomically (readTChan subChan) >>= evToHuman
-- wait until the chat world has started consuming events from `evsIn`
evsIn <- waitEventConsumer $ \evsIn ->
$ publishEvent evsAP -- show this new agent in to the chat world
$ EdhArgsPack -- use an arguments-pack as event data
$ ArgsPack -- the data ctor
[EdhSink evsIn, EdhSink evsOut] -- positional args
Map.empty -- keyword args
-- now install `evsIn` as the drop target for each human input from realworld
fromHuman userAgent $ atomically . publishEvent evsIn . parseInputFromHuman
humanLeave userAgent $ atomically $ publishEvent evsIn $ EdhPair
-- generate a quit command on forceful disconnection
(EdhString "quit")
(EdhTuple [])
-- | Create a chat world and run it
runChatWorld :: ChatAccessPoint -> IO ()
runChatWorld !accessPoint = defaultEdhRuntime >>= createEdhWorld >>= \world ->
installEdhBatteries world
let withEdhLogged :: Either EdhError () -> IO ()
withEdhLogged result = do
case result of
Left err -> atomically $ logger 50 (Just "<the-hell>") $ ArgsPack
[EdhString $ T.pack $ show err]
Right _ -> pure ()
where EdhRuntime logger _ flushLogs = worldRuntime world
(withEdhLogged =<<) $ bootEdhModule world "chat" >>= \case
Left !err -> return $ Left err
Right !modu -> do
let !moduCtx = moduleContext world modu
-- the event producing will not start until `evsAP` is subscribed from
-- the chat world
evsAP <- forkEventProducer $ adaptChatEvents accessPoint
(withEdhLogged =<<) $ runEdhProgram moduCtx $ do
pgs <- ask
ctorRunCtrl evsAP $ \rcObj -> contEdhSTM $ do
mthDismiss <- rcMethod pgs rcObj "dismiss"
mthRun <- rcMethod pgs rcObj "run"
$ dismissAll accessPoint
$ (withEdhLogged =<<)
$ runEdhProgram moduCtx
$ do
pgs' <- ask
contEdhSTM $ runEdhProg pgs' $ callEdhMethod
(ArgsPack [] Map.empty)
runEdhProg pgs $ callEdhMethod rcObj
(ArgsPack [] Map.empty)
return $ Right ()
-- | Get a method by name from rc object
-- This is done with simple TVar traversal, no need to go CPS
rcMethod :: EdhProgState -> Object -> Text -> STM ProcDefi
rcMethod pgs rcObj mthName =
lookupEdhObjAttr pgs rcObj (AttrByName mthName) >>= \case
EdhNil ->
throwEdhSTM pgs EvalError
$ "Method `RunCtrl."
<> mthName
<> "()` not defined in chat.edh ?"
EdhMethod mthVal -> return mthVal
malVal ->
throwEdhSTM pgs EvalError
$ "Unexpected `RunCtrl."
<> mthName
<> "()`, it should be a method but found to be a "
<> T.pack (edhTypeNameOf malVal)
-- | Construct the rc object
-- This has to be written in CPS to receive the return value from the
-- class procedure written in Edh
ctorRunCtrl :: EventSink -> (Object -> EdhProg (STM ())) -> EdhProg (STM ())
ctorRunCtrl !evsAP !exit = do
pgs <- ask
let !ctx = edh'context pgs
!scope = contextScope ctx
contEdhSTM $ lookupEdhCtxAttr pgs scope (AttrByName "RunCtrl") >>= \case
EdhNil -> throwEdhSTM pgs EvalError "No `RunCtrl` defined in chat.edh ?"
EdhClass rcClass ->
runEdhProg pgs
$ constructEdhObject rcClass (ArgsPack [EdhSink evsAP] Map.empty)
$ \(OriginalValue !val _ _) -> case val of
EdhObject rcObj -> exit rcObj
_ ->
throwEdh EvalError
$ "Expecting an object be constructed by `RunCtrl`, but got a "
<> T.pack (edhTypeNameOf val)
malVal ->
throwEdhSTM pgs EvalError
$ "Unexpected `RunCtrl` as defined in chat.edh, it should be a class but found to be a "
<> T.pack (edhTypeNameOf malVal)
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
-- | This main module further reifies the modeled Edh world
-- from 'ChatWorld' to run upon a technology stack at present
-- (year 2020), i.e.
-- *) POSIX
-- *) process w/ signals
-- *) network sockets
-- *) the websockets toolkit
-- *) the Snap http server
-- *) HTML5 browser client
-- *) CSS
-- *) JavaScript
-- *) WebSockets
module Main
( main
import Prelude
import Debug.Trace
import System.IO ( stderr )
import System.Clock
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import System.Posix.Signals
import Data.IORef
import Data.Text.IO
import Data.Text ( Text )
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Data.Text.Encoding
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Network.Socket
import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS
import qualified Snap.Core as Snap
import qualified Snap.Http.Server as Snap
import NeatInterpolation
import ChatWorld
servAddr = ""
wsPort = 8687
httpPort = 8688
servAddr :: Text
wsPort, httpPort :: Int
servWebSockets :: (ChatUserAgent -> IO ()) -> IO ()
servWebSockets !agentEntry = do
let acceptWSC sock = do
(conn, _) <- accept sock
void $ forkFinally (handleWSC conn) $ \wsResult -> do
case wsResult of
Left exc -> consoleLog $ "WS error: " <> T.pack (show exc)
Right _ -> pure ()
close conn -- close the socket anyway
acceptWSC sock -- tail recursion
handleWSC conn = do
pconn <- WS.makePendingConnection conn
$ WS.defaultConnectionOptions { WS.connectionStrictUnicode = True }
wsc <- WS.acceptRequest pconn
disconnectNotif <- newEmptyMVar
incomingMsg <- newEmptyMVar
let cutOff :: Text -> IO ()
cutOff !lastWords = handle noPanic $ do
WS.sendTextData wsc lastWords
WS.sendClose wsc lastWords
sendOut :: Text -> IO ()
sendOut = handle noPanic . WS.sendTextData wsc
noPanic :: SomeException -> IO ()
noPanic exc = trace ("WS unexpected: " <> show exc) $ return ()
keepReadingPkt = do
pkt <- WS.receiveDataMessage wsc
case pkt of
(WS.Text _bytes (Just pktText)) ->
tryReadMVar incomingMsg >>= \case
Nothing -> consoleLog $ "WS got: " <> TL.toStrict pktText
Just !msgSink -> msgSink (TL.toStrict pktText)
(WS.Binary _bytes) -> WS.sendCloseCode wsc 1003 ("?!?" :: Text)
_ -> WS.sendCloseCode wsc 1003 ("!?!" :: Text)
-- > you should continue calling receiveDataMessage until you receive a CloseRequest exception.
agentEntry ChatUserAgent { cutoffHuman = cutOff
, humanLeave = putMVar disconnectNotif
, toHuman = sendOut
, fromHuman = putMVar incomingMsg
keepReadingPkt `catch` \case
WS.CloseRequest closeCode closeReason ->
if closeCode == 1000 || closeCode == 1001
then pure ()
$ "WS closed with code "
<> T.pack (show closeCode)
<> " and reason ["
<> decodeUtf8 (BL.toStrict closeReason)
<> "]"
WS.ConnectionClosed -> consoleLog "WS disconnected"
_ -> consoleLog "WS unexpected error"
-- notify the world anyway
tryReadMVar disconnectNotif >>= sequence_
withSocketsDo $ do
addr <- resolveWsAddr
bracket (open addr) close acceptWSC
resolveWsAddr = do
let hints =
defaultHints { addrFlags = [AI_PASSIVE], addrSocketType = Stream }
addr : _ <- getAddrInfo (Just hints)
(Just $ T.unpack servAddr)
(Just (show wsPort))
return addr
open addr = do
sock <- socket (addrFamily addr) (addrSocketType addr) (addrProtocol addr)
setSocketOption sock ReuseAddr 1
bind sock (addrAddress addr)
listen sock 10
return sock
-- | Triple Ctrl^C to kill the server; double Ctrl^C to quit the server;
-- single Ctrl^C to dismiss all atm, i.e. a server purge.
handleCtrlC :: IO () -> IO ()
handleCtrlC !serverPurge = do
mainThId <- myThreadId
cccVar <- newIORef (0 :: Int) -- Ctrl^C Count
lastInterruptTime <- (sec <$> getTime Monotonic) >>= newIORef
let onCtrlC = do
lastSec <- readIORef lastInterruptTime
nowSec <- sec <$> getTime Monotonic
writeIORef lastInterruptTime nowSec
if nowSec - lastSec < 2 -- count quickly repeated Ctrl^C clicks
then modifyIORef' cccVar (+ 1)
else writeIORef cccVar 1
ccc <- readIORef cccVar
if ccc >= 3 -- tripple click
then killThread mainThId
else if ccc >= 2 -- double click
then throwTo mainThId UserInterrupt
else -- single click
void $ installHandler keyboardSignal (Catch onCtrlC) Nothing
main :: IO ()
main = do
void $ forkIO $ Snap.httpServe httpCfg $ Snap.path "" $ do
Snap.modifyResponse $ Snap.setContentType "text/html; charset=utf-8"
Snap.writeText html
-- we're handling Ctrl^C below for server purge action in the chat world,
-- it needs to run from the main thread, so snap http is forked to a side
-- thread above.
runChatWorld $ ChatAccessPoint handleCtrlC servWebSockets
!httpCfg =
Snap.setBind (encodeUtf8 servAddr)
$ Snap.setPort httpPort
$ Snap.setStartupHook httpListening
$ Snap.setVerbose False
$ Snap.setAccessLog Snap.ConfigNoLog
$ Snap.setErrorLog (Snap.ConfigIoLog $ B.hPutStrLn stderr) mempty
httpListening httpInfo = do
listenAddrs <- sequence (getSocketName <$> Snap.getStartupSockets httpInfo)
consoleLog $ "Đ - Im available at: " <> T.unwords
(("http://" <>) . T.pack . show <$> listenAddrs)
!(wsSuffix :: Text) = ":" <> T.pack (show wsPort)
-- html5 source for the single page app
!html = [text|
<title>Đ (Edh) Im</title>
<h3>Đ doing Instant Messaging
<span style="float: right; font-size: 60%;">
<a target="_blank" href="">source</a></span>
<div id="msg"></div>
<input id="keyin" type="text" autofocus/>
#msg { width: 90%; height: 60%; overflow: scroll; }
#msg>div { padding: 3pt 6pt; border: solid silver 1px; }
#keyin { margin: 6pt 3pt; width: 68%; }
<script type="module">
const msgDiv = document.getElementById('msg')
const keyinBox = document.getElementById('keyin')
const ws = new WebSocket("ws://" + location.hostname + "${wsSuffix}")
ws.onmessage = me => {
if ("string" !== typeof {
throw "WS msg of type " + typeof + " ?!";
let msgPane = document.createElement('pre')
let msgRecord = document.createElement('div')
msgRecord.appendChild(document.createTextNode('💬 ' + new Date()))
msgDiv.scrollTop = msgDiv.scrollHeight
keyinBox.addEventListener('keydown', function onEvent(evt) {
if (evt.key === "Enter") {
if(ws.readyState !== WebSocket.OPEN) {
`You've probably been kicked out already!
Refresh the page to reconnect.`)
return false
keyinBox.value = ''
return false
consoleLog :: Text -> IO ()
consoleLog = hPutStrLn stderr