Search, highlight and display relevant bookmarks when searching in your favorite search engine (Google only for now)
Firefox listing: GitHub listing:
- Display bookmarks results on the search engine page
- Options of filtering: excluding or including URLs, subdomains, domains or tab
- Add-on button allowing above options on current web page
- Default search engines:google, stackoverflow, dogpile, baidu, yahoo, bing, ask, ecosia
- Shows viewpane as icon until searchbox contains > 2 characters
- Search bookmarks for same keywords in url and title
- When all keywords not found, search for one less keyword combination (marked with different icon)
- Search bookmarks for exact matching urls from search engine results and highlight them
- Clicking on "Found" shortly highlights them even more
- When bookmark url matches below scrolling, show a jump button at bottom
- Mark keywords in different colors (optional)
- Show only small window with icons (minimize)
- Show bookmark favicon
- Search bookmark tags You can help by voting for this:
- Search bookmark description
- Open Bookmarks Sidebar when clicking bookmarks
- Open edit dialog to edit bookmark
- Search similar (=not exact) urls (possibly domains only) (whenever webextensions API will allow it)