Set of scripts and programs to install cURL 7.53.0 (as of 2017-02-23) to Windows. Substitute for and which are both out of date.
##Description Takes either a local copy of curl and ca-bundle.crt or one downloaded from the internet, installs it to Program Files, and adds the path to the System PATH environment variable. Supports 32-bit and 64-bit versions of cURL. You can specify the install directory, download location, and can force a 32-bit install. If downloaded from the internet, currently only supports 7zip format.
##Example Install-Curl.ps1
##Example Install-Curl.ps1 -installDirectory "C:\Temp" -Force32BitInstall -ForceDownload -32BitDownloadLocation ""
##Notes Running the script as is will copy curl.exe and ca-bundle.crt to their respective architecture and default install location and if it can't find those files, will download it from