LiReddit is an in-depth implementation of creating a full-stack application based on the original Reddit website with user sign-up and sign-in, password recovery, and CRUD methods on posts. The UI is implemented utilizing React.js and Chakra. The backend is built using three different services that run as one service using Docker-Compose. PostgreSQL is the choice of database while Redis is utilized as a key-store. The server is created using Express.js and GraphQL. Next.js provided the ability to pre-render pages. Pages that are dynamic use server-side rendering while pages that are less likely to change such as forgot-password use static generation. More is to be completed as there is still the option of deploying live, creating rooms, and profile pages to be added. The application was built with the PERN Stack. 🔥
Make sure to have the following installed on your machine:
- PostgreSQL
- Docker
- Redis
Navigate to lireddit/server
Build and run the app with
docker-compose up -d
this will start the server on localhost:8080/graphql where you can visually see the graphQL schema as well as test the API in the playground.
Navigate to lireddit/client
Create a .env file like this:
NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL: http://localhost:8080/graphql
yarn install
yarn dev
navigate to localhost:3000 to see the app!