Python Toolkit containing different Cyber Attacks Tools.
Python Worm which spread in Windows Operating System. Copy files of directory and Spreads!
What It can Do!
- Operates on the Spot!
- Capable to Operate in Stealth Mode!
- Can be Caried as an Executable File!
Python Password Extractor which Extracts Passwords Stored in Google Chrome Cache!
What It Does!
- Made for Windows Operating System!
- Made for Google Chrome Browser!
- Extracts Emails and Passwords Stored in Google Chrome Cache!
- Stores these Emails and Passwords in a Database File!
Bash DOS Script.
What It Does!
- Show Available Routers in Area!
- Takes BSSID and Channel of Target Wifi Router!
- Deauthenticate Wifi Router and Devices connected to It!
- Run in Continuous Loop!
Python and Bash Toolkit containing diffrent Tools used in Offensive Security!
Required Python Modules
- win32con
- win32gui
- Crypto
- sqlite3
- win32
- Crypto, Cipher
Use Command: pip install <pachage name>
to install Required Python Modules!
How to Use!
- Use command
git clone
to Clone Github Repository! - Now Use Command
cd creep/
to Go in Toolkit Directory! - Use Command
pip install -r requirements.txt
to Install all Dependency Packages!
Commands to Run!
- => Use Command
to Complete Requirements Phase! - => Use Command
to Run Toolkit!
=> Usepython3
to Run ToolKit!