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A simple containerised webapp written in Golang using Postgres database and PGAdmin tool.

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A simple Golang webapp with Postgres database for local development

Golang code taken from Soham Kamani.

See Dockerfile for Birdpedia build instructions.

Run the Docker-Compose file

The docker-compose file will run:

  • the birdpedia webapp container
  • a Postgres database container
  • a PGAdmin container, for creating managing your Postgres databases
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up

The next steps involve setting up the Postgres database via PGAdmin.

Create Server on PGADMIN

  • Log into PGAdmin at localhost:5050 (see pgadmin environment creds in docker-compose)
  • On command line, get the postgres docker container IP for the Server connection for pgAdmin:
docker inspect postgresql -f “{{json .NetworkSettings.Networks }}”
  • Right click "Servers" and Create Server
  • In General tab, call it anything sensible e.g., "my-postgres"
  • In Connections tab, enter postgres container IP in "Host name/address", and in "Username" and "Password", use the postgres container creds (see postgres environment creds in docker-compose, i.e., "user" and "password")
  • Click "Save" to create a new Server

Create Database on new Server on pgAdmin

  • Right click "my-postgres" server and click Create > New Database
  • Give database the correct name e.g., bird_encyclopedia
  • Click Save

Add the Table to database

  • In PGAdmin, go to Servers > Databases > > Schemas > Public > Tables
  • Right click Tables, and Create Table
  • Give Table the correct name of the Table used in your webapp DB calls i.e., "birds"
  • Add the necessary columns according to the following SQL, and Save:
  bird VARCHAR(256),
  description VARCHAR(1024)
  • Right click Tables, and select "Query Tool"
  • Run a test query:
INSERT INTO birds(species, description)
VALUES('House Sparrow', 'The house sparrow is a bird of the sparrow family Passeridae, found in most parts of the world');
SELECT species, description FROM birds;


With all this in place, you are ready to test out your webapp. Go to localhost:8080/assets/

Running containers separately

If you want to run the containers separetely, without using docker-compose

Run Birdpedia

docker run --name birdpedia -p 8080:8080 dvbridges/birdpedia:latest

Run the postgres container

Note, the username and password are required in the webapp for db entry

docker run --name postgresql -e POSTGRES_USER=user -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -p 5432:5432 -v /data:/var/lib/postgresql/data -d postgres

Start up the pdAdmin container for managing your Postgres Server

Note, the username and password are for the Web UI login

docker run -p 5050:80 -e "[email protected]" -e "PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=test1234" -d dpage/pgadmin4:4.29


A simple containerised webapp written in Golang using Postgres database and PGAdmin tool.






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