A Flutter sound recorder plugin. This is a fork of audio_recorder2 (and audio_recorder2 is a fork of audio_recorder), please refer https://github.com/ZaraclaJ/audio_recorder for usage instructions
This fork add more supported audio output formats.
// Import package
import 'package:audio_recorder2/audio_recorder2.dart';
// Check permissions before starting
bool hasPermissions = await AudioRecorder2.hasPermissions;
// Get the state of the recorder
bool isRecording = await AudioRecorder2.isRecording;
// Start recording
await AudioRecorder2.start(path: _controller.text, audioOutputFormat: AudioOutputFormat.AAC);
// Stop recording
Recording recording = await AudioRecorder2.stop();
print("Path : ${recording.path}, Format : ${recording.audioOutputFormat}, Duration : ${recording.duration}, Extension : ${recording.extension},");