The only WebSocket solution to handle fragment dynamically, the first time ever!
This ultimate echo server can satisfy your every need of WebSocket development! The flexible asynchronous client can also be used for any WebSocket server supporting ws/wss and http/https schemas!
WebSocket feature for IIS need be enabled Download all files from server folder to your desired one. Launch a command line with administrator privilege and enter to your download folder. Run command "install.bat userAccount userPassword" to complete installation. userAccount/userPassword need be your own Windows credential and make sure that it has administrator privilege. This credential is only used by IIS in configuring a new app pool and not used by this solution or stored anywhere else.
To verify, launch browser (Chrome/Safari/Edge) and enter URL "http://localhost/InteractWS/websocket.html"
Run command "uninstall.bat" in command line with administrator privilege in your download folder.1. "Mode: UTF8/Binary" - Set to use UTF8 or Binary mode in server response
2. "Fragment: numeric value" - A greater than 0 integer indicates a fragment size to be used in server response. 0 means no fragmentation in server response
3. "help" or "?" - Display all supported commands and their usages
Synchronous client sample codes output
Asynchronous client output
1. WebSocket design or implementation in either server or client2. Convert existing Windows app to any device through WebSocket as a new transportation layer
WebSocket4OPC, the modern way to retrieve classic OPC data!
OLEDB4OPC, the fastest way to transfer OPC data to database!