This repo contains the plugins and preferences of my Tmux config, and also contains a JSON file with my iTerm2 profile that I'm using.
- Install iTerm2
- Use the profile from this repo
You can import the profile by opening iTerm2 preferences (⌘+,) and then navigate to Profiles
and at the bottom click on the Other Actions... > Import JSON Profiles
- Install and setup Powerlevel10k
Full manual for installation here
While going through its setup you'll be able to select Nerd Fonts, it is highly recommended to use.
- Clone this repository
git clone ~/.config/tmux
- Clone package manager repository
git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
- Install tmux
With Homebrew:
brew install tmux
With apt:
sudo apt install -y tmux
- Start Tmux & install packages
To install packages, press: <C-Space>I