Run to start the server
- type "python" in command line
- type "from ecommercesite import db"
- type "from ecommercesite.database import 'the table name you want to drop'"
- type "tablename.table.drop(db.engine)"
- type "db.session.commit()"
- to exit type exit()
- open pyvenv.cfg located in .venv folder in .venv and change the home= folder path to your python 3.10 folder
my folder path to python 3.10 folder is D:\Python310
so my home= path should be home = D:\Python310
- open activate.bat located in .venv/Scripts folder and at the set VIRTUAL_ENV= change the path to your .venv folder
the path of my .venv is C:\School_homework\Application_Security_Project\Assignment_new\.venv
so my VIRTUAL_ENV= should be VIRTUAL_ENV=C:\School_homework\Application_Security_Project\Assignment_new\.venv
make sure your path do not have any spaces!!
eg. C:\School homework\Application_Security_Project\Assignment_new\.venv will not work.