MPC-HC Keybinds for MPV
How to install [1]:
Winkey + R
Type %appdata% and press enter
Look for a folder named "mpv", if there isn't one create one.
Put the downloaded mpv.conf and input.conf there.
How to install [2]:
Make a portable_config folder on your mpv.exe directory
Put the downloaded mpv.conf and input.conf there. (Windows only) (Open window dialog {Keybind: Ctrl+o})
How to install scripts on windows [1]:
Winkey + R
Type %appdata% and press enter
Look for a folder named "mpv", if there isn't one create one.
inside that folder create another folder named "scripts", drop the .lua script file(s) there.
How to install scripts on windows [2]:
Make a portable_config folder on your mpv.exe directory
Make a new folder inside portable_config named "scripts", drop the .lua script file(s) there.