Releases: draconas1/foundry-4e-tools
Fixed a bug where I was nuking the default dead icon
If you did not have "use alternate dead icon" set then you would not have any dead icon.
I am guessing that everyone who uses the tools switches to the big skull and crossbones, because that has been broken for a while.
Fix Power Grouping / Sorting
Imported NPC's will now group powers on action and sort by use type as that is much more sensible than the other way around.
Fix Masterplan Import not having token info
Token settings were not set properly on import. At some point ActorData updated so that token -> prototypeToken
Bump Foundry Verified Version to 331
Bump Foundry Verified Version to 331
Remove Token Action HUD Integration
Token Action HUD support needs to go to a separate module to support it being versioned independently and have hard dependencies on specific TAH Core versions.
TAH Core integration now at
Dead Status Effect Fix
The image property for status effects had been changed.
Override dead status with a big red skull now works again.
TAH Fixes
Auto Bloodied Flags
A pair of flags for actors:
dracsTools.autoBloodied.ignore -> auto bloodied/dead ignores this actor completely
dracsTools.autoBloodied.npcDiesLikePC -> NPC will go unconscious like a PC on 0 hits
For use:
let targets = canvas.tokens.controlled;
for(let i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) {
const actor = targets[i]
const updateData = { "flags.dracsTools.autoBloodied.ignore" : true}
await actor.update(updateData);
Full Changelog: 4.1.0...4.2.0
When token goes below 0 HP they are also made prone in addition to their dead/unconscious state.
Prone is not removed on gaining hits
V12 Compatibility
Update to V12. New versions are now V12 only.
Updated active effect creation code to set name instead of label.
V12 overlay statuses are now FIOS instead of LIOS, to cope with this have to go around and remove the old blooded/dead state whenever you transition to make the old one go away and the new one overlay nice and big.