This charm provides the Prometheus Blackbox exporter, part of the Prometheus monitoring system
This charm is a subordinate option of the and creates peer relation data between units related to.
Then this data can be exported using an action and added as a scrape-jobs option to a prometheus instance to provide monitoring mesh capabilities.
Revision 2, commit d8927f6 now uses the native environment varibale JUJU_AVAILABILITY_ZONE.
juju machines | grep -v "lxd\|Message" | awk '{print $1,$6}' | while read line; do # or any other filter that you might want
machine=$(echo $line | awk '{print $1}');
az=$(echo $line | awk '{print $2}');
echo "Adding $az to machine $machine"
juju run --machine $machine "sudo bash -c 'echo $az > /var/lib/juju/az'";
juju deploy prometheus-blackbox-peer-exporter.charm
Wait until charm settles, all relation data to be populated, it takes some time.
juju run-action --wait prometheus-blackbox-peer-exporter/leader dump-prometheus-jobs > scrape-jobs.yaml
Edit the scrape-jobs to cleanup the headers/footers and make sure to ident the yaml starting from the first line of the file (e.g. cut first 6 columns).
sed -i '1,6d' scrape-jobs.yaml
sed -i -n -e :a -e '1,6!{P;N;D;};N;ba' scrape-jobs.yaml
cut -c 7- scrape-jobs.yaml > scrape-jobs.tmp && mv scrape-jobs.tmp scrape-jobs.yaml
Then apply the config to prometheus scrape-jobs:
juju config prometheus [email protected]
You can then import the provided grafana template to visualize the monitoring mesh.
juju deploy prometheus-alertmanager
juju add-relation prometheus-alertmanager:alertmanager-service prometheus:alertmanager-service
juju config prometheus custom-rules=@custom_rules.yaml
Example of custom_rules.yaml:
- name: Blackbox Reachability Alerts
- alert: Host unreachable
summary: "{{ $labels.source_hostname }} -> {{ $labels.destination_hostname }}"
description: "Ping from {{ $labels.source_hostname }} to {{ $labels.destination_hostname }} failed on interface {{ $labels.interface }}"
expr: |
for: 1m