This repository holds all the necessary code to run the very-same experiments described in the paper "".
If you use our work to fulfill any of your needs, please cite us:
Install all the pre-needed requirements using:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install Optimum-Path Forest library as following:
git clone
cd LibOPF
gcc -Wl,-soname,OPF -o -shared -fPIC src/OPF.c src/util/common.c src/util/gqueue.c src/util/realheap.c src/util/set.c src/util/sgctree.c src/util/subgraph.c -I include/ -I include/util/
go to your home directory, open .bashrc (Linux) or .bash_profile (OSX) and add the following line:
export OPF_DIR=<path where LibOPF has been installed>
We know that we do our best, but it is inevitable to acknowledge that we make mistakes. If you ever need to report a bug, report a problem, talk to us, please do so! We will be available at our bests at this repository or [email protected].