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Speed up GVMLookupForSlot #85901

merged 1 commit into from
May 8, 2023


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BasicMinimalApi spends about 1% of samples in this method. It's the generic virtual method dispatch routine.

00007FF6DB12BCE0 57                   push        rdi  
00007FF6DB12BCE1 56                   push        rsi  
00007FF6DB12BCE2 55                   push        rbp  
00007FF6DB12BCE3 53                   push        rbx  
00007FF6DB12BCE4 48 83 EC 28          sub         rsp,28h  
00007FF6DB12BCE8 48 8B 05 79 91 12 00 mov         rax,qword ptr [S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports::__GCSTATICS (07FF6DB254E68h)]  
00007FF6DB12BCEF 48 8B 40 08          mov         rax,qword ptr [rax+8]  
00007FF6DB12BCF3 48 8B 31             mov         rsi,qword ptr [rcx]  
00007FF6DB12BCF6 48 8B CE             mov         rcx,rsi  
00007FF6DB12BCF9 4C 8B C2             mov         r8,rdx  
00007FF6DB12BCFC 4C 8B C9             mov         r9,rcx  
00007FF6DB12BCFF 49 C1 F9 20          sar         r9,20h  
00007FF6DB12BD03 44 33 C9             xor         r9d,ecx  
00007FF6DB12BD06 41 C1 F9 04          sar         r9d,4  
00007FF6DB12BD0A 44 33 CA             xor         r9d,edx  
00007FF6DB12BD0D 49 C1 F8 20          sar         r8,20h  
00007FF6DB12BD11 45 33 C1             xor         r8d,r9d  
00007FF6DB12BD14 44 8B 48 08          mov         r9d,dword ptr [rax+8]  
00007FF6DB12BD18 45 8D 51 FF          lea         r10d,[r9-1]  
00007FF6DB12BD1C 45 23 C2             and         r8d,r10d  
00007FF6DB12BD1F 45 3B C1             cmp         r8d,r9d  
00007FF6DB12BD22 0F 83 8A 00 00 00    jae         S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports__GVMLookupForSlot+0D2h (07FF6DB12BDB2h)  
00007FF6DB12BD28 4A 8B 44 C0 10       mov         rax,qword ptr [rax+r8*8+10h]  
00007FF6DB12BD2D 48 85 C0             test        rax,rax  
00007FF6DB12BD30 74 23                je          S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports__GVMLookupForSlot+75h (07FF6DB12BD55h)  
00007FF6DB12BD32 0F 1F 80 00 00 00 00 nop         dword ptr [rax]  
00007FF6DB12BD39 0F 1F 80 00 00 00 00 nop         dword ptr [rax]  
00007FF6DB12BD40 48 39 48 10          cmp         qword ptr [rax+10h],rcx  
00007FF6DB12BD44 75 06                jne         S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports__GVMLookupForSlot+6Ch (07FF6DB12BD4Ch)  
00007FF6DB12BD46 48 39 50 18          cmp         qword ptr [rax+18h],rdx  
00007FF6DB12BD4A 74 09                je          S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports__GVMLookupForSlot+75h (07FF6DB12BD55h)  
00007FF6DB12BD4C 48 8B 40 08          mov         rax,qword ptr [rax+8]  
00007FF6DB12BD50 48 85 C0             test        rax,rax  
00007FF6DB12BD53 75 EB                jne         S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports__GVMLookupForSlot+60h (07FF6DB12BD40h)  
   114:             entry ??= CacheMiss((IntPtr)obj.GetMethodTable(), *(IntPtr*)&slot,
00007FF6DB12BD55 48 85 C0             test        rax,rax  
00007FF6DB12BD58 75 4B                jne         S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports__GVMLookupForSlot+0C5h (07FF6DB12BDA5h)  
00007FF6DB12BD5A 48 8B 3D DF 91 12 00 mov         rdi,qword ptr [S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports___c::__GCSTATICS (07FF6DB254F40h)]  
00007FF6DB12BD61 4C 8B 47 18          mov         r8,qword ptr [rdi+18h]  
00007FF6DB12BD65 48 8B DA             mov         rbx,rdx  
00007FF6DB12BD68 4D 85 C0             test        r8,r8  
00007FF6DB12BD6B 75 2A                jne         S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports__GVMLookupForSlot+0B7h (07FF6DB12BD97h)  
00007FF6DB12BD6D 48 8D 0D 44 60 0B 00 lea         rcx,[S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_RuntimeObjectFactory::`vftable' (07FF6DB1E1DB8h)]  
00007FF6DB12BD74 E8 27 71 F5 FF       call        RhpNewFast (07FF6DB082EA0h)  
00007FF6DB12BD79 48 8B E8             mov         rbp,rax  
00007FF6DB12BD7C 48 8B 57 08          mov         rdx,qword ptr [rdi+8]  
00007FF6DB12BD80 48 8B CD             mov         rcx,rbp  
00007FF6DB12BD83 E8 D7 60 F5 FF       call        __DelegateCtor_S_P_CoreLib_System_Delegate__InitializeClosedInstance__S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports___c___GVMLookupForSlot_b__12_0 (07FF6DB081E5Fh)  
00007FF6DB12BD88 48 8D 4F 18          lea         rcx,[rdi+18h]  
00007FF6DB12BD8C 48 8B D5             mov         rdx,rbp  
00007FF6DB12BD8F E8 1C 73 F5 FF       call        RhpAssignRefAVLocation (07FF6DB0830B0h)  
00007FF6DB12BD94 4C 8B C5             mov         r8,rbp  
00007FF6DB12BD97 48 8B CE             mov         rcx,rsi  
00007FF6DB12BD9A 48 8B D3             mov         rdx,rbx  
00007FF6DB12BD9D 45 33 C9             xor         r9d,r9d  
00007FF6DB12BDA0 E8 1B 00 00 00       call        S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports__CacheMiss_0 (07FF6DB12BDC0h)  
   115:                     (IntPtr context, IntPtr signature, object contextObject, ref IntPtr auxResult)
   116:                         => RuntimeAugments.TypeLoaderCallbacks.ResolveGenericVirtualMethodTarget(new RuntimeTypeHandle(new EETypePtr(context)), *(RuntimeMethodHandle*)&signature));
   117:             return entry.Result;
00007FF6DB12BDA5 48 8B 40 20          mov         rax,qword ptr [rax+20h]  
00007FF6DB12BDA9 48 83 C4 28          add         rsp,28h  
00007FF6DB12BDAD 5B                   pop         rbx  
00007FF6DB12BDAE 5D                   pop         rbp  
00007FF6DB12BDAF 5E                   pop         rsi  
00007FF6DB12BDB0 5F                   pop         rdi  
00007FF6DB12BDB1 C3                   ret  
00007FF6DB12BDB2 E8 49 F4 00 00       call        S_P_CoreLib_Internal_Runtime_CompilerHelpers_ThrowHelpers__ThrowIndexOutOfRangeException (07FF6DB13B200h)  
00007FF6DB12BDB7 CC                   int         3  
00007FF6A5C95A40 48 83 EC 28          sub         rsp,28h  
00007FF6A5C95A44 48 8B 05 ED F3 10 00 mov         rax,qword ptr [S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports::__GCSTATICS (07FF6A5DA4E38h)]  
00007FF6A5C95A4B 48 8B 40 08          mov         rax,qword ptr [rax+8]  
00007FF6A5C95A4F 4C 8B 01             mov         r8,qword ptr [rcx]  
00007FF6A5C95A52 4D 8B C8             mov         r9,r8  
00007FF6A5C95A55 4C 8B D2             mov         r10,rdx  
00007FF6A5C95A58 4D 8B D9             mov         r11,r9  
00007FF6A5C95A5B 49 C1 FB 20          sar         r11,20h  
00007FF6A5C95A5F 45 33 C3             xor         r8d,r11d  
00007FF6A5C95A62 41 C1 F8 04          sar         r8d,4  
00007FF6A5C95A66 44 33 C2             xor         r8d,edx  
00007FF6A5C95A69 49 C1 FA 20          sar         r10,20h  
00007FF6A5C95A6D 45 33 C2             xor         r8d,r10d  
00007FF6A5C95A70 44 8B 50 08          mov         r10d,dword ptr [rax+8]  
00007FF6A5C95A74 41 FF CA             dec         r10d  
00007FF6A5C95A77 45 23 C2             and         r8d,r10d  
00007FF6A5C95A7A 4D 63 C0             movsxd      r8,r8d  
00007FF6A5C95A7D 4A 8B 44 C0 10       mov         rax,qword ptr [rax+r8*8+10h]  
00007FF6A5C95A82 48 85 C0             test        rax,rax  
00007FF6A5C95A85 74 15                je          S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports__GVMLookupForSlot+5Ch (07FF6A5C95A9Ch)  
00007FF6A5C95A87 4C 39 48 10          cmp         qword ptr [rax+10h],r9  
00007FF6A5C95A8B 75 06                jne         S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports__GVMLookupForSlot+53h (07FF6A5C95A93h)  
00007FF6A5C95A8D 48 39 50 18          cmp         qword ptr [rax+18h],rdx  
00007FF6A5C95A91 74 09                je          S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports__GVMLookupForSlot+5Ch (07FF6A5C95A9Ch)  
00007FF6A5C95A93 48 8B 40 08          mov         rax,qword ptr [rax+8]  
00007FF6A5C95A97 48 85 C0             test        rax,rax  
00007FF6A5C95A9A 75 EB                jne         S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports__GVMLookupForSlot+47h (07FF6A5C95A87h)  
   114:             if (entry != null)
00007FF6A5C95A9C 48 85 C0             test        rax,rax  
00007FF6A5C95A9F 74 09                je          S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports__GVMLookupForSlot+6Ah (07FF6A5C95AAAh)  
   115:                 return entry.Result;
00007FF6A5C95AA1 48 8B 40 20          mov         rax,qword ptr [rax+20h]  
   117:             return GVMLookupForSlotSlow(obj, slot);
00007FF6A5C95AA5 48 83 C4 28          add         rsp,28h  
00007FF6A5C95AA9 C3                   ret  
00007FF6A5C95AAA E8 11 00 00 00       call        S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports__GVMLookupForSlotSlow (07FF6A5C95AC0h)  
00007FF6A5C95AAF 90                   nop  
00007FF6A5C95AB0 48 83 C4 28          add         rsp,28h  
00007FF6A5C95AB4 C3                   ret 

The slow helper is still not getting tail called unfortunately. Still need to work on my "RyuJIT whisperer" skills.

Seems to be about 20% faster on a microbenchmark.

Cc @dotnet/ilc-contrib

BasicMinimalApi spends about 1% of samples in this method.
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ghost commented May 8, 2023

Tagging subscribers to this area: @agocke, @MichalStrehovsky, @jkotas
See info in if you want to be subscribed.

Issue Details

BasicMinimalApi spends about 1% of samples in this method. It's the generic virtual method dispatch routine.

00007FF6DB12BCE0 57                   push        rdi  
00007FF6DB12BCE1 56                   push        rsi  
00007FF6DB12BCE2 55                   push        rbp  
00007FF6DB12BCE3 53                   push        rbx  
00007FF6DB12BCE4 48 83 EC 28          sub         rsp,28h  
00007FF6DB12BCE8 48 8B 05 79 91 12 00 mov         rax,qword ptr [S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports::__GCSTATICS (07FF6DB254E68h)]  
00007FF6DB12BCEF 48 8B 40 08          mov         rax,qword ptr [rax+8]  
00007FF6DB12BCF3 48 8B 31             mov         rsi,qword ptr [rcx]  
00007FF6DB12BCF6 48 8B CE             mov         rcx,rsi  
00007FF6DB12BCF9 4C 8B C2             mov         r8,rdx  
00007FF6DB12BCFC 4C 8B C9             mov         r9,rcx  
00007FF6DB12BCFF 49 C1 F9 20          sar         r9,20h  
00007FF6DB12BD03 44 33 C9             xor         r9d,ecx  
00007FF6DB12BD06 41 C1 F9 04          sar         r9d,4  
00007FF6DB12BD0A 44 33 CA             xor         r9d,edx  
00007FF6DB12BD0D 49 C1 F8 20          sar         r8,20h  
00007FF6DB12BD11 45 33 C1             xor         r8d,r9d  
00007FF6DB12BD14 44 8B 48 08          mov         r9d,dword ptr [rax+8]  
00007FF6DB12BD18 45 8D 51 FF          lea         r10d,[r9-1]  
00007FF6DB12BD1C 45 23 C2             and         r8d,r10d  
00007FF6DB12BD1F 45 3B C1             cmp         r8d,r9d  
00007FF6DB12BD22 0F 83 8A 00 00 00    jae         S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports__GVMLookupForSlot+0D2h (07FF6DB12BDB2h)  
00007FF6DB12BD28 4A 8B 44 C0 10       mov         rax,qword ptr [rax+r8*8+10h]  
00007FF6DB12BD2D 48 85 C0             test        rax,rax  
00007FF6DB12BD30 74 23                je          S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports__GVMLookupForSlot+75h (07FF6DB12BD55h)  
00007FF6DB12BD32 0F 1F 80 00 00 00 00 nop         dword ptr [rax]  
00007FF6DB12BD39 0F 1F 80 00 00 00 00 nop         dword ptr [rax]  
00007FF6DB12BD40 48 39 48 10          cmp         qword ptr [rax+10h],rcx  
00007FF6DB12BD44 75 06                jne         S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports__GVMLookupForSlot+6Ch (07FF6DB12BD4Ch)  
00007FF6DB12BD46 48 39 50 18          cmp         qword ptr [rax+18h],rdx  
00007FF6DB12BD4A 74 09                je          S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports__GVMLookupForSlot+75h (07FF6DB12BD55h)  
00007FF6DB12BD4C 48 8B 40 08          mov         rax,qword ptr [rax+8]  
00007FF6DB12BD50 48 85 C0             test        rax,rax  
00007FF6DB12BD53 75 EB                jne         S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports__GVMLookupForSlot+60h (07FF6DB12BD40h)  
   114:             entry ??= CacheMiss((IntPtr)obj.GetMethodTable(), *(IntPtr*)&slot,
00007FF6DB12BD55 48 85 C0             test        rax,rax  
00007FF6DB12BD58 75 4B                jne         S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports__GVMLookupForSlot+0C5h (07FF6DB12BDA5h)  
00007FF6DB12BD5A 48 8B 3D DF 91 12 00 mov         rdi,qword ptr [S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports___c::__GCSTATICS (07FF6DB254F40h)]  
00007FF6DB12BD61 4C 8B 47 18          mov         r8,qword ptr [rdi+18h]  
00007FF6DB12BD65 48 8B DA             mov         rbx,rdx  
00007FF6DB12BD68 4D 85 C0             test        r8,r8  
00007FF6DB12BD6B 75 2A                jne         S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports__GVMLookupForSlot+0B7h (07FF6DB12BD97h)  
00007FF6DB12BD6D 48 8D 0D 44 60 0B 00 lea         rcx,[S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_RuntimeObjectFactory::`vftable' (07FF6DB1E1DB8h)]  
00007FF6DB12BD74 E8 27 71 F5 FF       call        RhpNewFast (07FF6DB082EA0h)  
00007FF6DB12BD79 48 8B E8             mov         rbp,rax  
00007FF6DB12BD7C 48 8B 57 08          mov         rdx,qword ptr [rdi+8]  
00007FF6DB12BD80 48 8B CD             mov         rcx,rbp  
00007FF6DB12BD83 E8 D7 60 F5 FF       call        __DelegateCtor_S_P_CoreLib_System_Delegate__InitializeClosedInstance__S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports___c___GVMLookupForSlot_b__12_0 (07FF6DB081E5Fh)  
00007FF6DB12BD88 48 8D 4F 18          lea         rcx,[rdi+18h]  
00007FF6DB12BD8C 48 8B D5             mov         rdx,rbp  
00007FF6DB12BD8F E8 1C 73 F5 FF       call        RhpAssignRefAVLocation (07FF6DB0830B0h)  
00007FF6DB12BD94 4C 8B C5             mov         r8,rbp  
00007FF6DB12BD97 48 8B CE             mov         rcx,rsi  
00007FF6DB12BD9A 48 8B D3             mov         rdx,rbx  
00007FF6DB12BD9D 45 33 C9             xor         r9d,r9d  
00007FF6DB12BDA0 E8 1B 00 00 00       call        S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports__CacheMiss_0 (07FF6DB12BDC0h)  
   115:                     (IntPtr context, IntPtr signature, object contextObject, ref IntPtr auxResult)
   116:                         => RuntimeAugments.TypeLoaderCallbacks.ResolveGenericVirtualMethodTarget(new RuntimeTypeHandle(new EETypePtr(context)), *(RuntimeMethodHandle*)&signature));
   117:             return entry.Result;
00007FF6DB12BDA5 48 8B 40 20          mov         rax,qword ptr [rax+20h]  
00007FF6DB12BDA9 48 83 C4 28          add         rsp,28h  
00007FF6DB12BDAD 5B                   pop         rbx  
00007FF6DB12BDAE 5D                   pop         rbp  
00007FF6DB12BDAF 5E                   pop         rsi  
00007FF6DB12BDB0 5F                   pop         rdi  
00007FF6DB12BDB1 C3                   ret  
00007FF6DB12BDB2 E8 49 F4 00 00       call        S_P_CoreLib_Internal_Runtime_CompilerHelpers_ThrowHelpers__ThrowIndexOutOfRangeException (07FF6DB13B200h)  
00007FF6DB12BDB7 CC                   int         3  
00007FF6A5C95A40 48 83 EC 28          sub         rsp,28h  
00007FF6A5C95A44 48 8B 05 ED F3 10 00 mov         rax,qword ptr [S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports::__GCSTATICS (07FF6A5DA4E38h)]  
00007FF6A5C95A4B 48 8B 40 08          mov         rax,qword ptr [rax+8]  
00007FF6A5C95A4F 4C 8B 01             mov         r8,qword ptr [rcx]  
00007FF6A5C95A52 4D 8B C8             mov         r9,r8  
00007FF6A5C95A55 4C 8B D2             mov         r10,rdx  
00007FF6A5C95A58 4D 8B D9             mov         r11,r9  
00007FF6A5C95A5B 49 C1 FB 20          sar         r11,20h  
00007FF6A5C95A5F 45 33 C3             xor         r8d,r11d  
00007FF6A5C95A62 41 C1 F8 04          sar         r8d,4  
00007FF6A5C95A66 44 33 C2             xor         r8d,edx  
00007FF6A5C95A69 49 C1 FA 20          sar         r10,20h  
00007FF6A5C95A6D 45 33 C2             xor         r8d,r10d  
00007FF6A5C95A70 44 8B 50 08          mov         r10d,dword ptr [rax+8]  
00007FF6A5C95A74 41 FF CA             dec         r10d  
00007FF6A5C95A77 45 23 C2             and         r8d,r10d  
00007FF6A5C95A7A 4D 63 C0             movsxd      r8,r8d  
00007FF6A5C95A7D 4A 8B 44 C0 10       mov         rax,qword ptr [rax+r8*8+10h]  
00007FF6A5C95A82 48 85 C0             test        rax,rax  
00007FF6A5C95A85 74 15                je          S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports__GVMLookupForSlot+5Ch (07FF6A5C95A9Ch)  
00007FF6A5C95A87 4C 39 48 10          cmp         qword ptr [rax+10h],r9  
00007FF6A5C95A8B 75 06                jne         S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports__GVMLookupForSlot+53h (07FF6A5C95A93h)  
00007FF6A5C95A8D 48 39 50 18          cmp         qword ptr [rax+18h],rdx  
00007FF6A5C95A91 74 09                je          S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports__GVMLookupForSlot+5Ch (07FF6A5C95A9Ch)  
00007FF6A5C95A93 48 8B 40 08          mov         rax,qword ptr [rax+8]  
00007FF6A5C95A97 48 85 C0             test        rax,rax  
00007FF6A5C95A9A 75 EB                jne         S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports__GVMLookupForSlot+47h (07FF6A5C95A87h)  
   114:             if (entry != null)
00007FF6A5C95A9C 48 85 C0             test        rax,rax  
00007FF6A5C95A9F 74 09                je          S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports__GVMLookupForSlot+6Ah (07FF6A5C95AAAh)  
   115:                 return entry.Result;
00007FF6A5C95AA1 48 8B 40 20          mov         rax,qword ptr [rax+20h]  
   117:             return GVMLookupForSlotSlow(obj, slot);
00007FF6A5C95AA5 48 83 C4 28          add         rsp,28h  
00007FF6A5C95AA9 C3                   ret  
00007FF6A5C95AAA E8 11 00 00 00       call        S_P_CoreLib_System_Runtime_TypeLoaderExports__GVMLookupForSlotSlow (07FF6A5C95AC0h)  
00007FF6A5C95AAF 90                   nop  
00007FF6A5C95AB0 48 83 C4 28          add         rsp,28h  
00007FF6A5C95AB4 C3                   ret 

The slow helper is still not getting tail called unfortunately. Still need to work on my "RyuJIT whisperer" skills.

Seems to be about 20% faster on a microbenchmark.

Cc @dotnet/ilc-contrib

Author: MichalStrehovsky
Assignees: -


Milestone: -

@@ -133,7 +142,11 @@ internal static unsafe IntPtr OpenInstanceMethodLookup(IntPtr openResolver, obje
private static Entry LookupInCache(Entry[] cache, IntPtr context, IntPtr signature)
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We may consider using similar hashtable here as what we use for casting. Both solve the same problem.

cc @VSadov

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Yes. casting cache might fit better for this scenario.

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I've logged #85927 to follow up.

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The slow helper is still not getting tail called unfortunately. Still need to work on my "RyuJIT whisperer" skills.

That's likely because of the struct field access that in IL looks like it exposes the address of the entry local. The JIT is unreasonably conservative for this case. I tried fixing it in #65102 but never landed it.

@MichalStrehovsky MichalStrehovsky merged commit d0c9457 into dotnet:main May 8, 2023
@MichalStrehovsky MichalStrehovsky deleted the gvmlookup branch May 8, 2023 21:09
@ghost ghost locked as resolved and limited conversation to collaborators Jun 8, 2023
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4 participants