NOTE A beta release of Skuber 3 is available now which supports (for Scala 2.13 only in this beta) separate Pekko and Akka clients - see for details
Skuber is a Scala client library for Kubernetes. It provides a fully featured, high-level and strongly typed Scala API for managing Kubernetes cluster resources (such as Pods, Services, Deployments, ReplicaSets, Ingresses etc.) via the Kubernetes REST API server.
- Comprehensive support for Kubernetes API model represented as Scala case classes
- Support for core, extensions and other Kubernetes API groups
- Full support for converting resources between the case class and standard JSON representations
- Client API for creating, reading, updating, removing, listing and watching resources on a Kubernetes cluster
- The API is asynchronous and strongly typed e.g.
k8s get[Deployment]("nginx")
returns a value of typeFuture[Deployment]
- Fluent API for creating and updating specifications of Kubernetes resources
- Uses standard
files for configuration - see the configuration guide for details
See the programming guide for more details.
This example lists pods in kube-system
import skuber._
import skuber.json.format._
import scala.util.{Success, Failure}
implicit val system = ActorSystem()
implicit val dispatcher = system.dispatcher
val k8s = k8sInit
val listPodsRequest = k8s.listInNamespace[PodList]("kube-system")
listPodsRequest.onComplete {
case Success(pods) => pods.items.foreach { p => println( }
case Failure(e) => throw(e)
See more elaborate example here.
Make sure prerequisites are met. There are couple of quick ways to get started with Skuber:
With Ammonite-REPL
Provides you with a configured client on startup. It is handy to use this for quick experiments.
using bash
$ amm -p ./
from inside ammonite-repl:
import $file.`Quickstart`, Quickstart._
Just handy shortcut to import skuber inside ammonite-repl:
import $ivy.`io.skuber::skuber:2.6.7`, skuber._, skuber.json.format._
Clone this repository.
Tell Skuber to configure itself from the default Kubeconfig file (
):export SKUBER_CONFIG=file
Read more about Skuber configuration here
and try one or more of the examples and then:sbt:root> project examples sbt:skuber-examples> run Multiple main classes detected, select one to run: [1] skuber.examples.customresources.CreateCRD [2] skuber.examples.deployment.DeploymentExamples [3] skuber.examples.fluent.FluentExamples [4] skuber.examples.guestbook.Guestbook [5] skuber.examples.ingress.NginxIngress [6] skuber.examples.job.PrintPiJob [7] skuber.examples.list.ListExamples [8] skuber.examples.patch.PatchExamples [9] skuber.examples.podlogs.PodLogExample [10] skuber.examples.scale.ScaleExamples [11] Enter number:
For other Kubernetes setups, see the configuration guide for details on how to tailor the configuration for your clusters security, namespace and connectivity requirements.
- Java 8
- Kubernetes cluster
A Kubernetes cluster is needed at runtime. For local development purposes, minikube is recommended. To get minikube follow the instructions here
You can use the latest release (for 2.12 or 2.13) by adding to your build:
libraryDependencies += "io.skuber" %% "skuber" % "2.6.7"
Meanwhile users of skuber v1 can continue to use the final v1.x release, which is available only on Scala 2.11:
libraryDependencies += "io.skuber" % "skuber_2.11" % "1.7.1"
NOTE: Skuber 2 supports Scala 2.13 since v2.4.0 - support for Scala 2.11 has now been removed since v2.6.0.
If you have an application using the legacy version v1 of Skuber and want to move to v2, then check out the migration guide.
Building the library from source is very straightforward. Simply run sbt test
in the root directory of the project to build the library (and examples) and run the unit tests to verify the build.
This code is licensed under the Apache V2.0 license, a copy of which is included here.
Lightbend have moved Akka versions starting from 2.7.x from an Apache 2.0 to BSL license. Skuber currently uses Akka 2.6.x and it is not planned to move to a BSL licensed Akka version - instead it is planned to migrate Skuber to the Apache Pekko open-source fork once it has a full release.