restgen is a plugin for protocol buffer compiler. It generates go code for REST endpoints, based on Google's Protocol Buffers (a.k.a. protobuf).
This tool is written in go. You need a working go installation to install it. Execute the following command in a terminal:
go install
This installs the protobuf compiler plugin protoc-gen-bff
(where "bff"
is an abbreviation for "backend for frontend"). It must be in your $PATH
for the protocol compiler to find it.
- Define a service in your protobuf. Every service will be defined with a service map and rpc methods.
A service map definition looks like the following:
option (pbmap.service_map) = {
version: "1"
base_uri: "/base_uri/"
target_package: "samplesvc"
This service map is defined in pbmap/map.proto:
: defines the base URI, e. g.http://[address]/[base_uri]/[path]...
: defines the name of the package, where the generated file will be placed. This option doesn't affect the location of the file - this has to be defined withOUT_DIR
in the protoc command operand--bff_out=OUT_DIR
A rpc method would be defined like the following:
rpc Methodname(RequestMethod) returns (ResponseMethod) {
option (pbmap.method_map) = {
method: "method"
path: "/[path]/:id"
query_string: "key=[message].[field]:[data_type]"
body: "*"
The method map is defined in pbmap/map.proto.
: defines the used HTTP method, supported are: Get, Put, Post, Deletepath
: identifies the method, has to be unique in this service and has to be compatible with Julian Schmidt's HTTP Router; Formata/b/:c/:d
are fixed and:c
are parameters mapped to C and D in the underlying GRPC Requestquery_string
: Format "key1=:var1&key=:var2": they keys will be mapped to the variablesvar1
of the unterlying GRPC Requestbody
: indicates, if the request has a body or not
Execute the following command in a terminal:
protoc [OPTION] --bff_out=OUT_DIR PROTO_FILES
- atomic datatypes
- maps
- user defined messages; inside of the same package and outside of this package)
- HTTP Methods: Get, Put, Post, Delete
- path parameter; also with deep paths
- query strings; also with deep paths
- enums in path parameter and query strings
You can find a sample protobuf definition in
and the generated code in