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This module helps you to measure your app launch time. It is measured from the earliest point in time available to the native module, that is the module's initialization. When getTimeSinceStartup is called on JS side, you'll get a promise which resolves with difference between these two moments in ms. This is not very accurate, but should give you good enough base for further optimizations.

On iOS time measurement is based on this article. On Android SystemClock.uptimeMills is used.

As far as I know, there's no way to programmatically obtain time passed since the moment when user taps on app icon. For this you have to use native dev tools. On Android this module will call reportFullyDrawn so you can inspect adb logs.

If you know a better way to measure startup time (in a module), let me know or better shoot a PR.

Getting started

$ yarn add react-native-startup-time

Mostly automatic installation

This module supports autolinking so if you use RN 0.60+ then no additional action is required.

Otherwise, run

$ react-native link react-native-startup-time


Render startup time badge somewhere on your first screen:

import { StartupTime } from 'react-native-startup-time';

    ready={true /* optional, defaults to true */}
    style={styles.startupTime /* optional*/}

Or use imperative call:

import { getTimeSinceStartup } from 'react-native-startup-time';

// when you app is ready:
getTimeSinceStartup().then((time) => {
  console.log(`Time since startup: ${time} ms`);