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A caching repository in python for times when there were no adults in the room as your network was being designed


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  • a caching, multi-format repository / proxy for small network usage


Once in a while you find yourself on a network put together by unsupervised children. In such case you may find a spurrious proxy or other blocker which prevents your team from actually producing any code because you can't reach the outside world.

These are the times that you realize that you must be slightly smarter than the machines that you serve.

And always you must have already forgotten more than your network engineer will ever know.

By default, Creepo doesn't actually cache anything. That would be creepy. And potentially unsafe.

Instead, Creepo is intended to be configured with a global proxy to act as a sort of gateway to various artifact repositories, either inside or outside of the local network.

  • Use Creepo behind a corporate firewall to proxy well used upstream repositories, such as npm, pip, maven, composer, apk, and docker. This allows you to shape network traffic efficiently.

  • Use Creepo to take a "snapshot" of build dependencies for later analysis, such as license query or vulnerability scans.

  • Use Creepo to facilitate an "air-gapped" installation of some other application.

  • Visit the repository

  • PyDoc

  • Unit Test Coverage


Clone the repository

git clone [email protected]:dooleydiligent/creepo.git
cd creepo

Build in docker

Note: Use DOCKER_MIRROR to override the default mirror, which otherwise resolves to

docker build -t creepo --build-arg DOCKER_MIRROR= .

Run in docker

docker run --rm --name creepo --net host creepo

Use ssl by default

See for some background

# Get the client certificate from the running container
docker cp creepo:/app/client.pem .

Coverage report

See the coverage report in the running docker image

Create a virtualenv and activate it

  • Just do it with python 3. Eventually you don't notice the pain
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate

Install Creepo

pip install --upgrade pip poetry .
poetry install -C creepo --no-interaction --no-root


python creepo 

Generate coverage report

coverage run -m pytest
coverage html --omit="*/test*"

Generate pydoc

python -m pydoc -w creepo
mv creepo.html pydoc.html
python -m pydoc -w creepo/*.py
sed -i 's,"creepo\.,",g' pydoc.html
mv __init__.html __main__.html

Use it as a Maven proxy

# You must first trust the creep
# Find your JAVA_HOME
# import the client (ca) certificate
# This assumes you are running in ubuntu 22.04+.  ymmv

# Delete a previous certificate
sudo keytool -delete -alias creepo \
  -keystore  $(dirname $(dirname $(readlink -f $(which java))))/lib/security/cacerts \
  -storepass changeit -noprompt

# Add the new certificate
sudo keytool -import -alias creepo -file client.pem \
    -keystore  $(dirname $(dirname $(readlink -f $(which java))))/lib/security/cacerts \
    -storepass changeit -noprompt

mvn dependency:get \
    -DrepoUrl=https://localhost:4443/m2/ \ \
    -s ./demo/mvn/settings.xml

Use it as an npm proxy

npm install --cafile client.pem --registry=https://localhost:4443/npm/ http-server

# debug with
NODE_DEBUG=tls,https,http npm -ddd install --verbose --cafile client.pem --registry=https://localhost:4443/npm/

Use it as a pip proxy

pip install . -i https://localhost:4443/pip --trusted-host localhost

Use it as a composer proxy

  • First install composer in some project.

Assumes you already have composer installed. If not see the documentation

cd demo/composer
composer install

Use it as a docker proxy

  • This assumes you have configured an upstream mirror. We cannot (yet) proxy, but plan to in the future.

Using this configuration

# We don't handle concurrency very well, but will one day
thread_pool: 10
# port: 8443
# server: <Must be supplied.  This cannot be reliably guessed yet>
# docker:
#     registry: 'https://docker.tuscawilla.local:32000'
#     cacert: '/home/lane/git/creepo/demo/docker/docker.tuscawilla.local.crt'
#     credentials:
#         username: 'docker'
#         password: 'password'

docker pull localhost:4443/pravega/pravega

Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from pravega/pravega
a0d0a0d46f8b: Pull complete 
083e16b808d4: Pull complete 
16cb052eff29: Pull complete 
7b7fe9910a72: Pull complete 
a847de4745a5: Pull complete 
08b71253a7a0: Downloading [>                                                  ]  1.622MB/196MB
aa509fd13681: Download complete 
3731688bad93: Download complete 

Use it as an apk proxy to speed up Docker builds

# Probably you should use an authoritative ssl certificate and proper DNS resolution
#   this is only a test

docker build --network host  --add-host trustme: -t test .


A caching repository in python for times when there were no adults in the room as your network was being designed








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