Relies on a few modules - can be gotten with PowerShellGet. If PowerShellGet is not already on your system, see Installing PSGet
- PSReadLine
- Get-ChildItemColor
- Posh-Git
- Oh-My-Posh
- Remember to install a Nerd Font and use it your shell (I like Windows Terminal), see
- For the font, I like "FuraCode Nerd Font Mono" (in the bundle "FiraCode Nerd Font"), because it has nordic characters; get it (or other Nerd Fonts) here:
- A few of my own PowerShell utils - which may have evolved to have their own dependencies. Please check notes on usage in that repo.
- clone directly into your PowerShell profile directory, or,
- clone in another directory, and setup a symlink to the path where PowerShell looks for your profile. I.e., in an elevated shell, from the cloned directory, do something like:
New-Item -Path $PROFILE -ItemType SymbolicLink -Value (Get-Item .\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1).FullName