✨ UPDATE: Feedback for glTF Report (https://gltf.report) has been moved to https://gltf-report.canny.io/.
Which glTF extensions are supported?
The website can open, edit, and export all extensions supported by glTF-Transform. Some of these extensions will not be shown in the 3D viewport, however, based on current three.js limitations.
Does glTF Report upload or save my models somewhere?
No. glTF/GLB files opened on the website are not uploaded to a server, and remain on your computer while viewing and editing. The website may collect anonymized analytics (e.g. which glTF extensions are most common?) to improve the glTF ecosystem.
The glTF Report website is open core, but not open source. Much of its functionality — excluding the user interface — is provided by the projects below, available under MIT License:
- donmccurdy/glTF-Transform: glTF JavaScript SDK used for edits, analysis, and optimization.
- donmccurdy/glTF-Transform-View: Experimental rendering API for fast edit/refresh workflows.
Other important dependencies used by this project include:
- three.js: JavaScript 3D library.
- Svelte: Lightweight, reactive web framework.
- Monaco: Code editor powering VS Code.
- Tweakpane: Compact GUI for editing and monitoring.
Features and bug fixes in the projects above will eventually make their way to the glTF Report website.