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Luigi edited this page Feb 25, 2014 · 2 revisions

Dog Modbus Drivers

This project encompasses all the Dog drivers that are able to handle communication to/from Modbus devices connected to Dog by means of a TCP connection.

Two variants of the Modbus protocol are currently supported:

  • the Standard ModbusTCP (port 502) and
  • the ModbusRTU over TCP tunneling.

While the former is the only standard communication for Modbus over TCP/IP, the latter is widely diffused in the industry as a consequence of the adoption of serial-to-ethernet converters (typically cheaper than ModbusRTU/ModbusTCP gateways).

The driver exploits the Jamod library, integrated by a Modbus RTU over TCP transport (

Its architecture involves 3 different abstraction layers:

  1. The NetworkDriver who takes care of handling TCP connections and network level details
  2. The GatewayDriver that permits to handle different modbus gateways / access points at the same time, providing means to manage different IP addresses, port and communication variants
  3. The DeviceSpecificDriver layer which actually implements the conversion between Modbus-specific information and DogOnt-defined commands, notifications and states.

Currently available drivers include:
