This repo contains various PowerShell scripts I've written. Below are general descriptions of what each script does.
Send a wake on LAN magic packet. Description of parameters is below.
MAC address of the host you want to wake.
Define a broadcast address to send the magic packet to. Defaults to
Port to send magic packet to. Defaults to 7.
Define a hostname or IP address of the device to be woken up. If this parameter is used the script will immediatley start pinging the target device after sending the magic packet.
Switch. If used with ConfirmAwake one console beep will be played when the target device responds to a ping.
Toggle the system theme to a default dark or light theme with optional Windows Terminal color scheme support.
Modify the $SystemDefaultDark and $SystemDefaultLight variables at the top of the script to point to the path of custom dark and light themes if desired. Modify the $TerminalDefaultDark and $TerminalDefaultLight variables for Windows Terminal color schemes. Just reference the name of the scheme as defined in your Windows Terminal settings json file.
The mandatory -Mode parameter is used to set theme to Dark or Light. Use the -Terminal switch to also set the color scheme of Windows Terminal for all terminal profiles.
In the example below the system and Windows Terminal will both be set to dark mode.
Set-DarkOrLightTheme -Mode Dark -Terminal
Toggles taskbar visibility if no argument is provided. Parameter -Visibility can be added to explictly set the taskbar as either Visible or Autohide.
Written to add to my PowerShell $profile to roughly replicate something like the 'which' command on *nix systems. This is essentially just a wrapper for the Get-Command cmdlet. Output is simplified compared to Get-Command.
The -a switch can be used to find all matches. Example below.
which notepad -a