Sauronlib is a high-level Python API to control hardware and software for scientific experiments that rely on Arduinos or computer-connected hardware. It's used in SauronX to capture data for zebrafish experiments that consist of a series of scheduled events.
Out of the box, it works with Firmata, PointGrey cameras, MATLAB's Image Acquisition Toolbox, and computer-driven audio input and output on Linux, Windows, and Mac OS. You can add support for any hardware with a custom wrapper.
It knows about hardware configuration and data organization, and runs an experiment consisting of scheduled and triggered events while capturing sensor data. It conceptually seperates hardware from experiments.
⚠ Sauronlib is not finished. It's a redesigned subset of SauronX (which is fully functional).
See the docs for more information.
New issues and pull requests are welcome. Please refer to the contributing guide. Generated with Tyrannosaurus.