Code url:
If wanting to run the server locally, instead of just using the Weka models located in /src/main/resources/models, there are a couple of dependencies needed: Maven and Java.
This uses java 1.7, but should work with 1.8 as well. For the JRE,
sudo apt-get install default-jre
. For the jdk,sudo apt-get install default-jdk
. -
This uses Maven 3.x . To Install maven 3, use
sudo apt-get install maven
. -
Go to the root of the assignment code repository and type:
mvn clean package
into the command line. Then typejava -jar target/derek-assignment-1-0.1.0.jar
. Once running the jar, all of optimal models will start to run against the test datasets of both the Car Evaluation and Census dataset. This is here just to make it easier to visualize, so that you do not have to use the rest api. If you want to use the rest api, see documentation below. -
IF three does not work, it is because the plugin did not properly install. Running this command should do the trick inside of the students-filters-master "mvn install:install-file -Dfile=filters-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -DgroupId=filters -DartifactId=filters -Dversion=0.0.1-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar"
contains the rest endpoints.
contains all of the logic and configuration of weka models. ClusterService -> k-means and EM, FeatureReductionService -> ICA, PCA, RP, CFS, KNNService -> KNN, NeuralNetworkService -> Neural Network, DecisionTreeService->Decision Trees (boosted an unboosted), SVMService->SVM
DTO passing layers
Contains all of the initial csv files used (Arffs are only used for the models, however)
Contains all of the arffs used. car_train.arff and car_test.arff are the training and testing instances for the car evaluation dataset. census.arff and censusTest.arff are the training and testing instances for the Census dataset.
Contains several models used for the supervised learning analysis. If you don’t want to run the code locally, you can just use these models against the training and test arffs listed above.
I thought I would just add this to show the code I used for experimentation with Weka. I used the api, so that I could do multiple concurrent requests.
Universal Query parameters: fileName : {Car, Census, CarBin, CensusBin}, testType : {CrossValidation, TestData, Train}
Endpoints: /kMeans and /em Query Params => clusters : int, distances : {Euclidean, Manhatten}, iterations: int, featureSelection: {ICA, PCA, RP, CFS};
Endpoints: /featureReduction/pca /featureReduction/ica /featureReduction/rp /featureReduction/cfs
Endpoint: /decisiontree
Query Params => minNumObj : int, boost : boolean, confidence : String, treeType : {ID3, J48}
Example Requests: http://localhost:8080/decisiontree?fileName=Car&testType=TestData&minNumObj=2&confidence=.25 http://localhost:8080/decisiontree?fileName=Census&testType=CrossValidation&minNumObj=2&confidence=.25 http://localhost:8080/decisiontree?fileName=Car&testType=CrossValidation&minNumObj=2&confidence=.25&boost=true //with boosting
Using incremental testing example: http://localhost:8080/decisiontree/test?fileName=Car&testType=TestData&minNumObj=2&confidence=.25&boost=true
Endpoint: /knn
Query Params => k : int, boost : boolean, treeTypes {BallTree, CoverTree, Linear}, useFeatureSelection : boolean (applies only to Census file)
Examples : http://localhost:8080/knn?fileName=Car&testType=TestData&k=3 http://localhost:8080/knn?fileName=Census&testType=TestData&k=5&featureSelection=true http://localhost:8080/knn?fileName=Census&testType=TestData&k=5&boost=true
Using incremental testing example: http://localhost:8080/knn/test?fileName=Census&testType=TestData&k=5
Endpoint: /neuralnetwork
Query Params => hiddenLayers : int, epochRate : int, featureSelection : boolean (applies only to Census file)
Examples: http://localhost:8080/neuralnetwork?fileName=Car&testType=TestData&hiddenLayers=10&epochRate=500 http://localhost:8080/neuralnetwork?fileName=Census&testType=TestData&hiddenLayers=5&epochRate=500&featureSelection=true
Using incremental testing example: http://localhost:8080/neuralnetwork/test?fileName=Car&testType=TestData&hiddenLayers=10&epochRate=500
Endpoint: /svm
Query Params => kernelType : {Polynomial, RBF, Sigmoid, Linear}
Examples: http://localhost:8080/svm?fileName=Car&testType=TestData&kernelType=Polynomial http://localhost:8080/svm?fileName=Census&testType=TestData&kernelType=RBF http://localhost:8080/svm?fileName=Census&testType=TestData&kernelType=Sigmoid http://localhost:8080/svm?fileName=Census&testType=TestData&kernelType=Linear
The model names contain the parameters that were used, fileName, and algorithm name.
Decision Tree Naming Convention: decisionTree + minNumObj + Boosted + confidence + fileName + .model Example: decisionTree-minNumObj=100-Boosted=false-C=0.25-file=Census.model
KNN Naming Convention: KNearestNeighbor + k + fileName + .model Example : KNearestNeighbor-k=20-fileName=Car.model
ANN Naming Convention: ANN + hiddenLayers + epochRate + FileName + (Optional) featureSelection + .model Example : ANN-hiddenLayers=10-epochRate=250-FileName=Census.model
SVM Naming Convention: SVM + kernelType + FileName + .model Example : SVM-KernelType=Linear-FileName=Car.model