nodex-ws will be a Node.js + Websockets library for the bitshares dex allowing developers who do not want to use python to jump into writing trading applications. Disclaimer: Nobody has taught me node or websockets. Should be some ugly fun but that is why we iterate.
- authenticate with any account (web)
- list the balances of accounts
- send money to other accounts
- obtain list of specified assets
- obtain a list of all assets
- obtain a list of all asset pairs
- obtain a list of asset pairs based on specified assets
- check the ticker price of any asset pair
- check the limit orders of any asset pair
- check the buys and sells of accounts
- manage buys and sells for any asset pair
- authenticate with other methods
- check the state of margins for accounts
- manage margins for accounts
- a hookable/actionable event system for all actions (eg. monitoring margins and taking action)
- use the first public working or configured (and working) dex rpc node.
- Structure and organization of code meeting an actually specified standard.
- An interface for data storage is needed to reduce repeat calls to api for basic information
- Determine the price of an asset pair with a seperate base. eg: usd price of bts:cny pair
- Changes or a sister library will be required to use this directly on websites
- websockets/ws -
- dotenv -
- request-json -
- collections -