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adds ddoc.unhighlight and ddoc.types modules for more useful usage.
Unhighlight can be used to emit embedded D code as-is, instead of
parsing it and (potentially) causing issues as well as needing a
dependency on libdparse.

The ddoc.types module now contains the Comment struct that was in
ddoc.comments and has a new parseUnexpanded call, which puts the split
sections directly into the comment, without expanding, which is commonly
used for example in D-Scanner to just check if a comment is `ditto` or
contains some section with a given name.
  • Loading branch information
WebFreak001 committed May 20, 2021
1 parent 9cf851e commit c8b945f
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Showing 9 changed files with 231 additions and 73 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .travis.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ env:
- dub test :common --compiler=$DC
- rdmd ./d-test-utils/test_with_package.d libdparse -- dub test --compiler=$DC
- rdmd ./d-test-utils/test_with_package.d libdparse -- dub build --config=lib --compiler=$DC
- rdmd ./d-test-utils/test_with_package.d libdparse -- dub build --config=exe --compiler=$DC
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions common/dub.sdl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
name "common"
File renamed without changes.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/ddoc/macros.d → common/source/ddoc/macros.d
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -889,4 +889,4 @@ package size_t stripWhitespace(ref Lexer lexer)
return start;

enum callHighlightMsg = "You should call ddoc.hightlight.hightlight(string) first.";
enum callHighlightMsg = "You should call ddoc.hightlight.hightlight(string) or ddoc.unhighlight.unhighlight(string) first.";
File renamed without changes.
97 changes: 97 additions & 0 deletions common/source/ddoc/types.d
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
module ddoc.types;

import ddoc.lexer;
import ddoc.sections;

struct Comment
bool isDitto() const @property
import std.string : strip, toLower;

return sections.length == 2 && sections[0].content.strip().toLower() == "ditto";

Section[] sections;

* Creates a Comment object without expanding the sections.
* Use $(LREF parse) with a function pointer to $(REF highlight, ddoc,highlight)
* or $(REF parseComment, ddoc,comments) to parse a comment while also
* expanding sections.
static Comment parseUnexpanded(string text)
import ddoc.unhighlight : unhighlight;

return parse(text, null, false, &unhighlight);

static Comment parse(string text, string[string] macros, bool removeUnknown,
string function(string) highlightFn)
import std.functional : toDelegate;

return parse(text, macros, removeUnknown, toDelegate(highlightFn));

static Comment parse(string text, string[string] macros, bool removeUnknown,
string delegate(string) highlightFn)
assert(retVal.sections.length >= 2);
import std.algorithm : find;
import ddoc.macros : expand;

auto sections = splitSections(text);
string[string] sMacros = macros;
auto m = sections.find!(p => == "Macros");
const e = sections.find!(p => == "Escapes");
auto p = sections.find!(p => == "Params");
if (m.length)
if (!doMapping(m[0]))
throw new DdocParseException("Unable to parse Key/Value pairs", m[0].content);
foreach (kv; m[0].mapping)
sMacros[kv[0]] = kv[1];
if (e.length)
assert(0, "Escapes not handled yet");
if (p.length)
if (!doMapping(p[0]))
throw new DdocParseException("Unable to parse Key/Value pairs", p[0].content);
foreach (ref kv; p[0].mapping)
kv[1] = expand(Lexer(highlightFn(kv[1])), sMacros, removeUnknown);

foreach (ref Section sec; sections)
if ( != "Macros" && != "Escapes" && != "Params")
sec.content = expand(Lexer(highlightFn(sec.content)), sMacros, removeUnknown);
return Comment(sections);

bool doMapping(ref Section s)
import ddoc.macros : KeyValuePair, parseKeyValuePair;

auto lex = Lexer(s.content);
KeyValuePair[] pairs;
if (parseKeyValuePair(lex, pairs))
foreach (idx, kv; pairs)
s.mapping ~= kv;
return true;
return false;
114 changes: 114 additions & 0 deletions common/source/ddoc/unhighlight.d
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
* Converts embedded code sections to plain text inside `(D_CODE)` without any
* syntax highlighting applied. This can be used as lightweight alternative to
* ddoc.highlight when syntax highlighting the code is not actually needed.
* Copyright: © 2014 Economic Modeling Specialists, Intl.
* Authors: Brian Schott, Mathias 'Geod24' Lang, Jan Jurzitza
* License: $(LINK2, Boost License 1.0)
module ddoc.unhighlight;

import std.array;

* Parses a string and replace embedded code (code between at least 3 '-') with
* plaintext.
* Params:
* str = A string that might contain embedded code. Only code will be modified.
* If the string doesn't contain any embedded code, it will be returned as is.
* Returns:
* A (possibly new) string containing the embedded code inside `D_CODE` macros.
string unhighlight(string str)
return highlightBase(str, (code, ref o) { o.put(code); });

* Base code for highlight and unhighlight, calling the $(LREF highlightCode)
* callback parameter on all embedded sections to handle how it is emitted.
* Params:
* str = A string that might contain embedded code. Only code will be modified.
* If the string doesn't contain any embedded code, it will be returned as is.
* highlightCode = The callback to call for embedded and inlined code sections.
* `D_CODE` macross will be automatically prefixed and suffixed before/after
* the call to this function.
string highlightBase(string str, void delegate(string code, ref Appender!string output) highlightCode)
import ddoc.lexer;
import ddoc.macros : tokOffset;

auto lex = Lexer(str, true);
auto output = appender!string;
size_t start;
// We need this because there's no way to tell how many dashes precede
// an embedded.
size_t end;
while (!lex.empty)
if (lex.front.type == Type.embedded)
if (start != end)
output.put(lex.text[start .. end]);
output.put("$(D_CODE ");
highlightCode(lex.front.text, output);
start = lex.offset;
else if (lex.front.type == Type.inlined)
if (start != end)
output.put(lex.text[start .. end]);
output.put("$(DDOC_BACKQUOTED ");
highlightCode(lex.front.text, output);
start = lex.offset;
end = lex.offset;

if (start)
output.put(lex.text[start .. end]);
return str;

import ddoc.lexer;
import ddoc.macros;

string[string] macros = null;

string text = `description
Something else
// an example
Throws: a fit
/// another example
text = unhighlight(text);
auto lexer = Lexer(text, true);
assert(expand(lexer, macros, false) == `description
Something else
<pre class="d_code">// an example</pre>
Throws: a fit
<pre class="d_code">/// another example</pre>`);
26 changes: 14 additions & 12 deletions dub.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,18 +8,20 @@
"license": "BSL-1.0",
"homepage": "",
"configurations": [
"name": "lib",
"targetType": "library",
"versions": [ "LIBDDOC_CONFIG_LIB" ]
"name": "exe",
"targetType": "executable",
"versions": [ "LIBDDOC_CONFIG_EXE" ]
"name": "lib",
"targetType": "library",
"versions": [ "LIBDDOC_CONFIG_LIB" ]
"name": "exe",
"targetType": "executable",
"versions": [ "LIBDDOC_CONFIG_EXE" ]
"dependencies": {
"libdparse": ">=0.13.0 <0.18.0"
"libdparse": ">=0.13.0 <1.0.0",
":common": "*"
"subPackages": ["common"]
63 changes: 3 additions & 60 deletions src/ddoc/comments.d
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,47 +7,18 @@ module ddoc.comments;
import ddoc.sections;
import ddoc.lexer;

public import ddoc.types;

Comment parseComment(string text, string[string] macros, bool removeUnknown = true)
assert(retVal.sections.length >= 2);
import std.algorithm : find;
import ddoc.macros : expand;
import ddoc.highlight : highlight;

auto sections = splitSections(text);
string[string] sMacros = macros;
auto m = sections.find!(p => == "Macros");
const e = sections.find!(p => == "Escapes");
auto p = sections.find!(p => == "Params");
if (m.length)
if (!doMapping(m[0]))
throw new DdocParseException("Unable to parse Key/Value pairs", m[0].content);
foreach (kv; m[0].mapping)
sMacros[kv[0]] = kv[1];
if (e.length)
assert(0, "Escapes not handled yet");
if (p.length)
if (!doMapping(p[0]))
throw new DdocParseException("Unable to parse Key/Value pairs", p[0].content);
foreach (ref kv; p[0].mapping)
kv[1] = expand(Lexer(highlight(kv[1])), sMacros, removeUnknown);

foreach (ref Section sec; sections)
if ( != "Macros" && != "Escapes" && != "Params")
sec.content = expand(Lexer(highlight(sec.content)), sMacros, removeUnknown);
return Comment(sections);
return Comment.parse(text, macros, removeUnknown, &highlight);

Expand All @@ -58,18 +29,6 @@ unittest
assert(test.sections[2].name == "Params");

struct Comment
bool isDitto() const @property
import std.string : strip, toLower;

return sections.length == 2 && sections[0].content.strip().toLower() == "ditto";

Section[] sections;

import std.conv : text;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -229,19 +188,3 @@ Params:
assert(parsed.sections[3].mapping[1][0] == "supportGC");
assert(parsed.sections[3].mapping[1][1][0] == 't', "<<" ~ parsed.sections[3].mapping[1][1] ~ ">>");

bool doMapping(ref Section s)
import ddoc.macros : KeyValuePair, parseKeyValuePair;

auto lex = Lexer(s.content);
KeyValuePair[] pairs;
if (parseKeyValuePair(lex, pairs))
foreach (idx, kv; pairs)
s.mapping ~= kv;
return true;
return false;

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