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dkeskar edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 7 revisions

AirDB – Quick Start Summary

When should you use AirDB?

  1. You have a Flex/AIR app which runs on the client-side
  2. You need to persist data and relationships on the client-side
  3. You want to model your persistent data as objects (cf. ORM)

If your AIR app stores and uses data only from a server-side DB, you probably don’t need AirDB.

What does AirDB offer?

  1. Freedom from clutter and repetition of SQL string concatenation, execution, try/catch result checking
  2. Easy, incremental schema specification right within your ActionScript class.
  3. Automatic schema management and migration
  4. Safe and seamless schema refinements as part of AIR application updates

How do I use AirDB?

Here is an Adobe AIR cookbook entry describing how to use AirDB.

How can I help make AirDB better?

  1. Write more tests for better coverage
  2. Write more documentation
  3. Write and manage library packaging
  4. Battle with the code – improve, bugfix, refactor, etc.