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Wesley De Groot edited this page Apr 24, 2016 · 4 revisions


General Settings

key type default notes
url String "" Main entry of the application
title String "WebShell" Window title
useragent String "default" If changed to something else this will be your user agent
useDocumentTitle Bool true When it set to true, the window title is equal to the web document title
launchingText String "Launching..." The contents which will be shown on the first loading screen
initialWindowHeight Int 640 The initial window height
initialWindowWidth Int 1000 The initial window Width
openInNewScreen Bool false Set true to open link in default browser
showLoadingBar Bool true Set true to display a loading spinner on the left-top of window
consoleSupport Bool false Enable console.log
needLocation Bool false Enable location functions
debugmode Bool false whether run app in debug mode
JSInject String "" JavaScript String to inject to every webpage you'll load
CSSInject String "" CSS String to inject to every webpage you'll load

Mediakeys Settings

key type default notes
BackAndForward Bool true enable media keys for navigation
MediaPlayers Bool false enable media keys for web players (experimental)

Contextmenu Settings

key type default notes
BackAndForward Bool true enable back and forward items in context menu
Download Bool true enable downloading
Reload Bool true enable reload of the page via context menu
newWindow Bool true enable "Open in a new window"