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(Version 1.0) - Release


This tool is built with gradle, use gradle shadow to make the executable jar.


Use gradle test to run the tests. The tests will fail as the test data is not public for data protection reasons (replay files can lead to doxing). Please provide your own test data.


Running the .jar in a terminal with no arguments or invalid arguments will show the help screen. Arguments: --replays <replay1> <replay2>... to analyse the specific files. --replay-folder <replayfolder/> to analyse a folder.

All output is saved as output.csv in the current directory.

Data specifics

A header is made for each game slot A player hash of -1 or no value means they are spectators (2^32 -1 of the time)


Public domain for the non-proto buff files Generated files and protobuff files have liscences available at

Made as a tool for the marchesa cEDH tornaments.