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Last Release: 0.5.0, Monday 18th March 2024

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Python-based Batch Processing and Alternative GUI for the Gudrun software by A. K. Soper (

GudPy offers a range of additional functionality unavailable in the Gudrun Java GUI, whilst also making some existing functionality/workflows easier to perform/carry-out. For further reference, you can visit the Gudrun manual.

Running GudPy


The continuous build is released on IDAaaS on a nightly basis, this is where you can find the most cutting-edge (yet experimental) version of GudPy. For development on IDAaaS make sure you use python3.11 (the system default is 3.6). You will also need to install a higher version of PySide6 (e.g. 6.5.0) with version 3.11 of Python as well as xcb-util-cursor.x86_64 in order for the xcb platform plugin to function correctly.

Stable Release

Stable releases are available on the release page.

From Source

Requires python>=3.8 and pip.

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Download the latest Gudrun binaries and startup files, and unzip/untar into the bin directory.
  3. python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Manually compile the resources: pyside6-rcc gudpy/gui/widgets/resources/resources.qrc > gudpy/gui/widgets/resources/
  5. python3 gudpy

Additional functionality


  • Components can be defined within the "Components" tab.
  • These components can be used to define compositions of Sample throughout the GUI.
  • Components can be created manually, or parsed from a chemical formula.
  • When performing processing, the combination of components and ratios defined for each Sample composition, are converted to an exact composition.
  • Sample compositions can be normalised to 1, for readability.


  • The output of the most recent process can be seen in the Output tab.
  • This includes the output of purging detectors, running Gudrun and each iteration workflow.
  • The output is split into "General" output, and then output per-sample.
  • In the case of iterations, the output is split per-iteration.
  • This makes debugging much easier, since there is no need to refer to the terminal output.
  • The output files produced by Gudrun are organised.
  • In the simple case, the output for each sample is stored in a directory, with sub-directories for outputs/diagnostics.
  • The sample parameters are also stored in said directory.
  • When iterating, a root directory is created at each iteration, storing the output for each sample during that iteration.
  • When performing Inelasticity Subtractions, this is separated into Q iterations and Wavelength iterations.
  • This reduces cluttering in the input file directory, and aims to make output easier to traverse.
  • The Export Archive menu option can be used to produce a zip archive of mint01 files and sample parameter files used to produce them.


  • Unlike the Gudrun Java GUI, plots are embedded within GudPy.
  • Plots are shown for each sample alongside their parameters. Each plot is relative to just that sample.
  • The plotting mode can be changed easily using the combo box.
  • Two plots can be shown, plotting different information.
  • Plots can be resized (relative to eachother, and the sample parameter area) using the splitters.
  • Plots can be copied to the clipboard by using the context menu, or the device-specific native keyboard copy shortcut.
  • Plots for all samples can be found in the "Plot Results" tab.
  • Plots are updated between runs.


  • The results of Gudrun are displayed alongside the plots for each sample.
  • This includes the DCS Level, Error and Suggested Tweak Factor.
  • Before running, the expected DCS level is computed and displayed - this is updated as you alter the sample composition, and is calculated as such: average bound scattering cross section / 4.0 / pi .

Quality of life

  • New input files can be created using Instrument configurations.
  • The clear heirarchy of objects can be manipulated easily using the context menu or device-specific native keyboard shortcuts. This includes cutting, copying, pasting, duplicating, inserting, deleting etc.
  • Fourier Transform parameters can be defined for containers when "running as sample".
  • Warnings are produced if a purge has not been performed, before running Gudrun.
  • Instrument configurations come with a "good detector threshold" - if the number of detectors that make it through a purge are not within this threshold, then a warning is produced. The number of good detectors is also shown at the bottom of the "Instrument" page.
  • The Packing fraction is shown for samples/containers in the GUI, and can be be used instead of/alongside the tweak factor.

Further iteration workflows


These iteration workflows work similarly to iterating by tweak factor. They iteratively run Gudrun, computing a coefficient, after each iteration, to apply to the target 'variable'. This coefficient is the ratio of the produced DCS level against the expected DCS level (on a per-sample basis).

Iterate by density
  • Performs n iterations of altering the density.
Iterate by thickness
  • Performs n iterations of altering the thickness. This is only valid for flatplate samples.
  • This is performed on both the upstream and downstream thickness.
Iterate by radius
  • Performs n iterations of altering the radius. This is only valid for cylindrical samples.
  • Can only be performed exclusively on the inner or outer radii.


More advanced iteration workflows

Iterate by composition
  • Performs n iterations of altering the sample composition.
  • The pre-requisite to this iteration workflow, is that components have been defined and the target sample compositions have been defined using the components.
  • This iteration workflow can be performed on one or two components within a sample composition.
  • It iterates using an algorithm based on the golden-section search.
  • In the case of a single component it balances the ratio of that component against the others in the composition.
  • For two components, it balances the ratios of the two against eachother, without altering the total number of molecules in the composition.
  • Since this can be a particularly slow workflow, a convergence tolerance can be defined.

Batch Processing

GudPy includes a Batch Processing pipeline, that is flexible and can interface with basic iteration workflows. Outputs a diagnostics file which provides information into batch sizes, contents and final values (when iterating).


  • Process samples using a defined batch size and step size.
  • Datafiles are split into batches of size batch size.
  • The next batch begins a step size after the beginning of the first batch.


  • Process samples as in the basic case, but perform iterations.
  • Can iterate by tweak factor, thickness, inner/outer radius and density.
  • Iterate for n iterations, or until the error is within the optional convergence tolerance.