2016-12-19 Please note powershell script is semi interactive!
Situation where you need to use Classic deployment model. OS base is Centos with latest mongodb repository at the time. Using simple powershell deployment to deploy server and shell extension to configure server for attached datadisks, best practice use setup for mongodb and installation of mongodb with replica set config.
Extension script is based on 7 function steps. Final step I have commented out, but can be included to install automation agent for MMS. Just edit the detail to reflect your key.
This script is mainly intended to add single mongodb servers to existing replica sets. You could create a new replica set, but will need to initialize the replica set once you have your machines up and running.
the extension shell script: very rough and can be improved. hard coded for x4 data disk setup - hope to improve this. no logging, no quick way to tell if script is complete- I generally login via ssh and run sudo lsblk command. If the raid setup is completed, script generally completed. not ideal. server needs a reboot after this before mongo starts (prob due to disabling SELINUX) -to fix
download ps1 script edit ValidateSet for $SubscriptionName and $newstorageaccconfirm run ps1 script from location and use tab to run and set parameter options interact with script by filling in requested detail as it pops up in powershell and Gridview respectively.
example: PS C:\temp> .\new-azurevmv-github.ps1 -SubscriptionName 'subscription-example4' -newcloudserviceconfirm yes -newcloudservicename atestmongocloud -vmName atestmongosvr -newstorageaccconfirm yes -vmSize Standard_D2_v2 -AzureLocation 'North Europe' -datadiskconfirmation yes -numDiskPrompt 4 -verbose
2016-12-20 added mongodb-repl-setup1.sh. This bash script allows for adding different number of data disks (only tested with 2 and 4 disks Centos 7.2n) 2017-07-21 added some small fixes. Updated name of mongodb repo. Fixed log rotation and log cleanup not running in crontab. Tested on Azure Image Centos 7.3
mongodb-repl-setup2.sh. Basic mongodb replicaset member server.
mongodb-repl-setup3.sh. This extension includes nightly mongodump. Mainly use this for my backup server.
mongodb-repl-setup4.sh. This extension includes nightly mongodump as well as AzCopy docker container transferring files to Azure Blob Storage.