Usage Example with Diet.JS
var server = require('diet')
var app = server()
app.listen('http://localhost:8086/') // Listen on Localhost
// express.js
/* Example express app demonstrating internatl express routing inside the app
var app = express();
app.use(function (req,res,next) {
console.log('Nice', typeof req, typeof res, typeof next)
res.values = 'Express'
app.use(function (req,res,next) {
console.log('Nice2', typeof req, typeof res, typeof next)
// res.end(res.values)
// Require the DIREKTSPEED Servers express-middelware module
// as dssrv is based on Diet.JS and configure it
var myExpressApp = require('express-middelware')(require('./express.js'))
// You can Modify your express app and access it
myExpressApp.eapp.use(function(req,res,next) {
// useExpressApp adds the $.eapp to your signal then you can use it
// useExpressApp uses directly the express app or middelware and then returns processing to Diet.JS or DIREKTSPEED Server
app.get('/', myExpressApp.attach, function($){
}, myExpressApp.use
, function($){
$.end('Diet.JS + ' + $.response.values) // -> Diet.JS + Express