-g blob – search_string to filter ex : -g *py – while
some ressource here : https://www.masteringemacs.org/article/effective-editing-movement
C-t C-f [email protected]: access on remote machine
in particular try windows-1258 or later encoding system
c-set-offset (C-c C-o) give what the style use for indent the current line. Then we can change the indent value in the style file
vc-* are goods functions for manipulate git repository (it’s also possible to click on Git:master). (vc-annotate is fun !)
call mwe:open-command-log-buffer and then mwe:log-keyboard-commands to the buffer where to log command
“(with-current-buffer ”view.svg” (insert (shell-command-to-string cmd)))”
package-activated-list = (ace-jump-mode anchored-transpose auctex auto-complete dired+ dired-narrow dired-hacks-utils elpy company find-file-in-project flycheck geben graphviz-dot-mode helm-dash helm helm-core highlight-indentation ivy julia-mode langtool lua-mode magit git-commit magit-popup dash pdf-tools php-mode pkg-info epl popup pylint python-mode pyvenv s spray tablist undo-tree web-mode with-editor async yaml-mode yasnippet)