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search in multiple file C-p g

-g blob – search_string to filter ex : -g *py – while

C-u C-p g → counsel-rg but ask for directory

in isearch use M-c (isearch-toggle-case-fold) to change case sensitivity


some ressource here :

M-t M-s M-r M-d basic move

C-a C-e move start/end line

C-d C-M-d avy-goto-word/avy-goto-char

C-s C-r forward/backward isearch then C-M-s to replace

C-[left] C-[right] C-M-[left] C-M-[right] move by word/sexp

M-m start of indentation

[orig] [fin] start/end of buffer

M-[space] move to previous point


‘w’ when on a file/directory to copy the path

find-name-dired (in find-dired.el) : find files by name

dired-jump (C-p d)

t for toggle mark file or %m for regexp (% is “=” key on azerty)

Q for query replace in all marked file

%r for rename by regexp (% is “=” key on azerty)

C-t C-f [email protected]: access on remote machine

dired-do-copy : C


dired-do-rename : R (rename or move (like the mv command) could use it on many selected files)

dired-create-directory : +

filter directory : “/” (dired-narrow)

open directory recursively with C-u C-x d and then add -R (-alh → -alhR)

coding system

revert-buffer-with-coding-system to change read encoding system

in particular try windows-1258 or later encoding system

set-buffer-file-coding-system to modify the encoding system

c-set-offset (C-c C-o) give what the style use for indent the current line. Then we can change the indent value in the style file

c-set-style set the style to use (like haypo)

ucs-insert for insert a special char (just write the number)

describe-char for describe a char

C-S-u for insert a special char in other windows

C-q C-j to add a line break in the mini-buffer


vc-* are goods functions for manipulate git repository (it’s also possible to click on Git:master). (vc-annotate is fun !)

help and log

for know the used mode: “C-h m” or describe-mode

C-h l → view-lossage

log command:

call mwe:open-command-log-buffer and then mwe:log-keyboard-commands to the buffer where to log command

describe the bindings of the prefix used to reach this command : “key sequence” C-h

M-x describe-personal-keybindings to see personal keybinding with some info


<f5> -> TODO to DONE

<f6> -> make a SCHEDULED

C-c C-q -> add tags

C-c C-p -> add priority

C-u C-u C-u <tb> -> show all items

C-M-<tab> -> retract all items

C-S-d -> go to parent items


macro => view ./lisp/my-macro.el

f3 → kmacro-start-macro-or-insert-counter, f3→kmacro-insert-counter (kmacro-add-counter)


click on the info bar for view useful information.

delete-trailing-whitespace to delete whitespace at the end of line

insert command’s result in a buffer :

“(with-current-buffer ”view.svg” (insert (shell-command-to-string cmd)))”

in a terminal : C-x C-e open emacs to continue to write the command

langtool-check-done delete coloration of langtool

list-load-path-shadows find collision problems with packages

linum-mode toggle line number

C-p s, spray mode, Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP)


package-activated-list = (ace-jump-mode anchored-transpose auctex auto-complete dired+ dired-narrow dired-hacks-utils elpy company find-file-in-project flycheck geben graphviz-dot-mode helm-dash helm helm-core highlight-indentation ivy julia-mode langtool lua-mode magit git-commit magit-popup dash pdf-tools php-mode pkg-info epl popup pylint python-mode pyvenv s spray tablist undo-tree web-mode with-editor async yaml-mode yasnippet)

company-diag, too see company backends currently used


My emacs config






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