- Los Angeles
ionic-framework Public
Forked from ionic-team/ionic-frameworkA powerful cross-platform UI toolkit for building native-quality iOS, Android, and Progressive Web Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
TypeScript Other UpdatedJun 21, 2022 -
mysql Public
Forked from go-sql-driver/mysqlGo MySQL Driver is a MySQL driver for Go's (golang) database/sql package
Go Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedJun 19, 2022 -
airflow Public
Forked from apache/airflowApache Airflow (Incubating)
astronomer Public
Forked from astronomer/astronomerApache Airflow as a Service on Kubernetes
Dockerfile Other UpdatedMay 21, 2020 -
airflow-chart Public
Forked from astronomer/airflow-chartA Helm chart to install Apache Airflow on Kubernetes
Shell Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 14, 2020 -
houston-api Public
Forked from sjmiller609/houston-apiGraphQL API for the Astronomer Platform
JavaScript Other UpdatedApr 1, 2020 -
ingress-nginx Public
Forked from kubernetes/ingress-nginxNGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 20, 2020 -
Additional components for Astronomer Cloud
keda-docs Public
Forked from kedacore/keda-docsDocumentation and landing page for KEDA
HTML MIT License UpdatedFeb 26, 2020 -
keda Public
Forked from kedacore/kedaKEDA is a Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaling component. It provides event driven scale for any container running in Kubernetes
Go MIT License UpdatedFeb 26, 2020 -
google-environments Public
Forked from sjmiller609/google-environmentsAstronomer Google Cloud Environments managed using terraform
HCL UpdatedFeb 26, 2020 -
shuttle_analysis Public
Forked from SFMTA/shuttle_analysisAnalysis framework for shuttle data
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedFeb 24, 2020 -
ap-vendor Public
Forked from astronomer/ap-vendorAstronomer Vendor Images
Dockerfile UpdatedFeb 6, 2020 -
helm.astronomer.io Public
Forked from rbramwell/helm.astronomer.ioHelm charts for the Astronomer Platform
sample-go-rabbitmq Public
Forked from kedacore/sample-go-rabbitmqSample KEDA deployment using a Go RabbitMQ consumer
Go UpdatedJan 15, 2020 -
pydata2019cba-mvdp-airflow-jupyter Public
Forked from gonzalodiaz/pydata2019cba-mvdp-airflow-jupyterPyData 2019 CBA - MVP for Data Products using Airflow and Jupyter
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedSep 27, 2019 -
charts Public
Forked from helm/chartsCurated applications for Kubernetes
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 10, 2019 -
astro-cli Public
Forked from astronomer/astro-cliCLI for the Astronomer Platform that makes it easy to create, test and deploy Airflow DAGs
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 8, 2019 -
airflow-breeze Public
Forked from PolideaInternal/airflow-breeze-gcp-extensionShell UpdatedJun 6, 2019 -
airflow-operator Public
Forked from GoogleCloudPlatform/airflow-operatorKubernetes custom controller and CRDs to managing Airflow
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 19, 2019 -