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langDCAT-AP er en anvendelsesprofil til beskrivelse af sprogteknologiske datasæt

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langDCAT-AP: Anvendelsesprofil til beskrivelse af sprogteknologiske datasæt (UDKAST/DRAFT)

  • Namespace:
  • Preferred prefix: langdcat-ap
  • Modelnavn (label): langDCAT-AP
  • Modelansvarlig (responsibleEntity): Digitaliseringsstyrelsen
  • Versionnummer (versionInfo): 0.3.0
  • Seneste opdateringsdato (dateModified): 2020-08-28
  • Modelstatus (modelStatus): development
  • Godkendelsesstatus (approvalStatus): afventer godkendelse
  • Forretningsområde (theme):
  • Kommentar (comment) @da: Anvendelsesprofil til beskrivelse af sprogteknologiske datasæt
  • Kommentar (comment) @en: Application profile for the description of language technology datasets

OBS: Denne anvendelsesprofil blive opdateret iht. den dansk anvendelsesprofil for beskrivelse af datasæt og datakataloger DCAT-AP-DK 2.0 når denne er godkendt.

Læs mere om DCAT-AP-DK på dette link:

Prefix Namespace Vocabulary
dct Dublin Core Terms
rdf The RDF Concepts Vocabulary
rdfs RDF Schema 1.1
dctype DCMI Type
owl OWL Web Ontology Language
voaf Vcommons
vann A Vocabulary for Annotating Vocabulary Description
foaf Friend of a Friend
skos Simple Knowledge Organization System
xsd XSD Schema
vcard VCard Ontology
org The Organization Ontology (W3C)
dk The Data Knowledge Vocabulary
duv Data Usage Vocabulary
dcat Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT)
dcat-dk DCAT-DK
dcat-ap-dk DCAT-AP-DK
langdcat-ap langDCAT-AP
ms MetaShare

Angående MetaShare - Se også: &

Klasse:Dataset (datasæt)

Property URI Range Usage note Card
description dct:description rdfs:Literal This property contains a free-text account of the Dataset. This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the description. 1..n
title dct:title rdfs:Literal This property contains a name given to the Dataset. This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the name. 1..n
keyword dcat:keyword rdfs:Literal This property contains a keyword or tag describing the Dataset. 0..*
publisher dct:publisher foaf:Agent This property refers to an entity (organisation) responsible for making the Dataset available. 0..1
contact point dcat:contactPoint vcard:Kind Relevant contact information for the catalogued resource. Use of vCard is recommended. 0..*
dataset responsible organisation dcat-dk: datasetResponsible Organisation org:FormalOrganisation (OBS: Dansk tilføjelse) datasætaansvarlig organisation: organisation der er ansvarlig for den overordnede administration af alle forhold omkring et datasæt. 0..1
theme/ category dcat:theme, subproperty of dct:subject skos:Concept This property refers to a category of the Dataset. A Dataset may be associated with multiple themes. 0..n
type dcat:type skos:Concept This property refers to the type of the Dataset. A controlled vocabulary for the values has been established based on The META-SHARE Metadata Schema 0..n
documentation foaf:page foaf:Document This property refers to a page or document about this Dataset. 0..n
frequency dct:accrualPeriodicity dct:Frequency This property refers to the frequency at which Dataset is updated 0..1
landing page dcat:landingPage foaf:Document This property refers to a web page that provides access to the Dataset, its Distributions and/or additional information. 0..1
is referenced by dct:isReferencedBy foaf:Document Used for associating datasets with a publication (scholarly article, report, etc) 0..n
modality type ms:modalityType skos:Concept Modality is the channel by which signs are transmitted (oral, gesture, written) 1..*
annotation type ms:annotationType ms:AnnotationType Specifies the Annotation Level of the resource or the Annotation Type that a tool/ service requires or produces as an output 0..*
size information ms:sizeInfo ms:sizeInfo Identifies the size of the resource 0..1


Klasse:Distribution (Datasætrepræsentation)

Property URI Range Usage note Card
accessURL dcat:accessURL rdfs:Resource A URL of the resource that gives access to a distribution of the dataset. E.g. landing page, feed, SPARQL endpoint. 1..n
downloadURL dcat:downloadURL rdfs:Resource This property contains a URL that is a direct link to a downloadable file in a given format. 0..n
description dct:description rdfs:Literal This property contains a free-text account of the Distribution. This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the description. 0..n
title dct:title rdfs:Literal This property contains a name given to the Distribution. This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the name. 0..n
format dct:format dct:MediaTypeOrExtent This property refers to the media type of the Distribution as defined in the official register of media types managed by IANA 0..1
licence dct:license dct:LicenseDocument This property refers to the licence under which the Distribution is made available. 0..1
language dct:language dct:LinguisticSystem This property refers to a language of the Distribution. This property can be repeated if there are multiple languages in the Dataset. 0..n
annotation type ms:annotationType ms:AnnotationType Specifies the Annotation Level of the resource or the Annotation Type that a tool/ service requires or produces as an output 0..*
size information ms:sizeInfo ms:sizeInfo Identifies the size of the resource 0..1
conforms to dct:conformsTo dct:Standard This property refers to an implementing rule or other specification. 0..n


langDCAT-AP er en anvendelsesprofil til beskrivelse af sprogteknologiske datasæt






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