MongoDB oschestration based on SaltStack.
- Ubuntu 12.04
- Salt 0.17.1
- Salt Cloud 0.8.9-stable from
- Set replset_name and replset_role grains to every minion.
- Roles must be primary or secondary. Only one minion can be primary per set.
Master/SaltCloud install:
apt-get install python-pip git
pip install apache-libcloud==0.13.2
wget -O - | sh -s -- -M -N
pip install -e git+[email protected]#egg=salt-cloud
Setup provider, profile and map. See examples below.
ssh to master
salt \*
salt \* grains.item replset_role replset_name
apt-get install git
git clone
cd elastic-mongodb
cp -a file_root/ /srv/salt
- Basic replica set configuration. DONE
- Basic sharding support. DONE
- Sharding + Repl sets. DONE
- Bootstrap script.
- Salt cloud integration.
- Support for delayed replica set members.
- Implement Salt overstate.
Create dependencies between minions. For example, primary configuration fails if secondaries doesn't have the grains replset_name and replset_role. May be not required, use conditionals in templates.
mine_functions should accept a function name argument to avoid confusion with you use something like grains.get as function.
Move mongodb.conf state to mongodb-base.
Port assigment: do it right!
- patch instead of manage.
Check with mine_functions doesn't work in the pillars. Is not supported yet.